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Nine Bermudians complete BTC apprenticeship

Celebrating success: the new cable splicers and their supporters gathered to celebrate their achievement. Pictured, from left, are: Chris Furbert of the BIU, Akeem Ible, Kent Henry of BTC, Rahiem Steede, Teko Bean, Jahkote Webb, Dr Patricia Chapman of the Department of Workforce Development, Minister Lovita Foggo, Paul Stafford of Digicel, Noel Cann of the DWD, Staphen Dill in rear, Davon Gibbs, Giniko Butterfield, Warren Bean and Kumar Grant (Photograph supplied)

Nine Bermudians have secured full-time employment as cable splicers after successfully completing a three-year apprenticeship programme at the Bermuda Telephone Company.

Teko Bean, Warren Bean, Giniko Butterfield, Staphen Dill, Davon Gibbs, Kumar Grant, Akeem Ible, Rahiem Steede, and Jahkote Webb were presented with their final certificates in copper and fibre training from the internationally-accredited body City and Guilds on Friday evening by Lovitta Foggo, the Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sport.

“I am so impressed to see that nine out of the ten apprentices have successfully completed the three-year programme, which consisted of both written and practical exams,” Ms Foggo said. “Congratulations to those nine. Tonight marks the culmination of your efforts.

“I would like to say a tremendous ‘thank you’ to BTC for providing this opportunity to train our young people … this is the perfect example of the private and public sectors working together to ensure Bermudians are employed. Thanks to this partnership, nine Bermudians now have full-time employment with BTC.

“Thank you to the Department of Workforce Development’s Noel Cann who has been these young people’s assigned training and assessment officer for the past three years, during which time he held monthly meetings, monitored their progress and, most importantly, ensured that they honoured the conditions of their training contracts.”

The apprenticeship programme, a partnership initiative between BTC and the Ministry of Labour, Community Affairs and Sport, was launched in February 2016 with the aim of providing educational and professional opportunities for young Bermudians interested in a career in telecommunications.

Over the course of the three-year programme, the ten cable splicer apprentices worked directly with BTC mentors and senior technicians for on-the-job training. BTC hired a training facilitator from the UK who held regular classes at the BTC training facility on St John’s Road, Pembroke. The training was fully funded by the Department of Workforce Development.