App to show electric vehicle renters around
Bermuda’s electric rental car pioneers Current Vehicles have launched an app to help explorers to navigate the island.
CV App, available as a free download from The App Store, features content about more than 100 island attractions including beaches, museums, and walking trails as well as curated half- and full-day themed itineraries.
A search option lets explorers plan their own journey.
The app also includes driving safety information.
Visitors unfamiliar with the island can link to Google Maps, and hear turn-by-turn navigational instructions through the Twizy vehicle’s speaker. Once downloaded, both the app and Google Maps are accessible offline.
Current Vehicles’ founder and chief executive officer Piers Carr says 85 Twizys are licensed and on the road. Launched in 2017 with 30 vehicles, the company has rental outlets at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club and Fairmont Southampton, and will open at The Loren in Smith’s next month.
“The first question people ask is ‘where do we go now that we have transport?’,” Mr Carr said. “Our new app makes the island more accessible than ever and showcases the best that Bermuda has to offer.”
It is also designed to provide a revenue stream for the company. A business can purchase an annual subscription, and be featured on the app, for $1,280. Space can be purchased for durations as short as three months.
“The app is a core part of the business, it was always part of the vision,” Mr Carr says. “We encourage the annual option because our experience is that people book Twizys in February for trips in June or July, and the app allows people to plan their trip before they get to Bermuda.
“The app delivers a captive audience looking for things to do, and places to go. Local businesses such as restaurants, stores, tour guides and water sports companies are among those that can be featured on the app. I think it’s one of the most efficient forms of advertising available.”
Adrienne Lowe is the content and marketing manager for the app.
“I do everything I write about,” she says. “I recently walked Blue Hole Park because I wanted to channel and experience it. I am seeing bits of Bermuda that I haven’t seen in years. It has opened my eyes, it has been wonderful.”
Mr Carr says early reviews of the app have been positive.
“The response has been phenomenal,” he says. “People love it, they come here and tell us they’re seeing stuff they’ve never seen before.”
•See Current Vehicles/Bermuda in The App Store. Prospective advertisers can contact Ms Lowe at