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Human Resource Association supports schools

Making a difference: Krystle DaPonte, president of the Bermuda Human Resources Association, which is working in partnership with SPS.bm to support public schools in Bermuda (Photograph supplied)

Public schools in Bermuda are set to benefit from greater resources thanks to the Bermuda Human Resource Association partnering with community organisation Support Public Schools Bermuda, also known as SPS.bm.

SPS.bm was formed a year ago to answer the call for community action to help improve public school education in Bermuda. Its team connects primary public schools with supporters and the private sector for the purchase, or second-hand giveaways, of educational, arts and sports supplies, technology, equipment and instruments and hygiene products for classrooms.

In its first year it has facilitated the provision of over $135,000 worth of school supplies and related equipment, over 100 second-hand computers, furniture, and approximately 60 boxes of printer paper purchased by individuals or companies for free delivery to all 18 public primary schools.

Supporters make direct purchase of school supplies with retail suppliers Phoenix Stores Ltd and AF Smith Ltd.

BHRA is an interest group advocating the advancement of the HR profession and the development of professionals in Bermuda.

Krystle DaPonte, president of the BHRA, said: “One of our primary mandates is to contribute to the health of our community beyond just the HR industry. Part of this means building a commitment to supporting causes in the community.

“We are so happy to be in a position to support this wonderful initiative and delighted that our members have supported this worthy cause.”

Juliana Snelling, founder of SPS.bm, said: “We are very pleased to partner with the BHRA. Their support is invaluable in broadening our reach within the community to help support our public school teachers and students.

“BHRA members, as HR professionals, are well-placed to look within their own organisations to see where support can be provided. This term we are focusing on a paper drive — our teachers and students can’t have enough paper, they are so grateful for it. You can easily participate by contributing paper you already have in the office or by contacting Ashley of AF Smith at aberkeley@afsmith.bm (299-1869) to purchase paper for free of charge delivery to public school classrooms.”

For information contact SPSteam@sps.bm or call 296-8444 and speak with the SPS team. More information is available from the SPS.bm website, while the BHRA website is at www.bhra.bm