More than 200 attend Chamber open house
More than 200 people attended an open house to learn more about business opportunities in the Town of St George.
The event, held during the National Trust Christmas Walkabout on Friday at Pub on the Square, was hosted by the East End division of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce. The pub, currently closed, is awaiting a buyer.
Belcario Thomas, co-chairman of the East End division, said: “It was an encouraging response to shining a light on East End opportunities or revitalisation.”
Mr Thomas said guests included local commercial and business interests, residential “lifestyle investors” as well as interested parties from off-island who happened to be in Bermuda and dropped by to find out more.
The chamber showcased its map of “opportunity matches” in relation to current and future capital projects such as the new airport, marina, and St Regis hotel, Mr Thomas said, adding that the open house also promoted the benefits of chamber membership as well as the East End division’s two new committees, marketing members and advocacy, and development and infrastructure.
The Bermuda Economic Development Corporation was represented, he said, with four BEDC officers on hand to discuss the concessions and assistance available to businesses in the East End Economic Empowerment Zone.
“The East End pop-up mixer is a template that we can use again going forward,” Mr Thomas said. “We can turn non- or underutilised spaces into live, functional pop-ups that can encourage confidence, and let people ‘see around the corner’ while they are in a living space. A closed pub came alive for one night.”
The East End division of the chamber will next meet on Friday, December 20 at Wahoo’s restaurant on Water Street, St George beginning at 9am. Mr Thomas encouraged anyone interested in attending to RSVP for the meeting by e-mailing him at or by calling 737-2355.