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Trainers offer free virtual workout expo

Using what’s handy: you don’t need gym equipment do a home workout, as Dre Hinds demonstrates with two water bottles as weights as she stays fit. She is one of the coaches who have teamed up for tomorrow’s free Girls’ Day Out Virtual Fitness Expo (Photograph supplied)

A group of fitness trainers have teamed up to offer a free virtual workout expo tomorrow to help residents stay healthy and fit during the shelter-in-place period.

Andrea “Dre” Hinds is one of those involved in the event, entitled “Girls’ Day Out Virtual Fitness Expo”, which will start in the morning and wrap up around midafternoon. There will be a series of fitness sessions lasting between 30 and 40 minutes from each of the fitness leaders.

Women are the particular focus for the virtual fitness expo, and the aim is improving their health and energy, and learning how to stay active when largely confined to the home. Participants can enjoy the virtual workouts by using their home computer or phone to join the video stream as the trainers provide fitness instruction.

Ms Hinds was approached with the idea by another trainer, Jasmine Desilva. A group of like-minded trainers was then gathered and the event took shape.

“It was initially going to be a paid event. But we realised that times are hard, and the whole idea is to get people moving. So we decided to offer an all-day complimentary fitness expo,” Ms Hinds said.

The sessions will feature workouts from trainers with experience in spinning, dance fitness, core/hip workouts, and yoga. Together with Ms Hinds and Ms DeSilva, the others involved are Renee Fox, Vanessa William, Jenia Thompson, and Kellie Marcus.

Participants can do as much or as little as they want, and dip in and out during the six hours of the expo, which starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3pm.

“The idea is to come in and do what you can and if you have to leave, such as to attend to your children, do that and then pop back in, because the link is not going to expire,” Ms Hinds said.

The expo is being streamed on the Zoom platform, and participants have the option to turn off their video camera if they want to maintain privacy during the workouts, while still being able to see the instructing coach.

Taking part is simply a click away if you are using a computer, just follow the link (see below). If using a phone the user will need to have the Zoom app installed before they can follow the link.

The classes are 30 to 40 minutes each, and it is hoped participants will appreciate seeing what is on offer from the various coaches, many of whom have continued their fitness coaching businesses during the shelter-in-place period by moving to online sessions with clients.

Ms Hinds is a personal trainer and aerobic instructor. She has a degree in kinesiology/sports medicine, writes a column for the Lifestyle section of The Royal Gazette, and is co-owner of HindsSight Fitness & Wellness. She said: “Since social distancing became a concept, my husband and I closed our studio down and offered virtual classes to our clients.

“With the physical facility being closed, at first glance it could look as though we were going to have to do without work. I sat down and thought how else can I offer my services to my clients. I saw someone using the Instagram live option.

“With Zoom we send every training client a personal link for a scheduled time. They click the link and they see both of us. It has been pretty successful. Of course, we all miss face-to-face training, but this is the next best think to help us to continue to move and remain healthy throughout the rest of this pandemic.”

She added: “Being at home, being in that same environment, can be mentally and emotionally draining. The idea of continuous movement is very important because it allows your brain to rest, the endorphins are being released and it is recharging you.”

She said it is a way of getting away from any negativity surrounding the pandemic, or on social media. “Just getting moving and getting your mind geared on something else, away from the phone and social media, is refreshing.”

Ms Hinds added: “For me, on days when I have felt the worst, I look back and realise I didn’t work out yet. And then I’m working out and afterwards I feel so much better, I’m ready to take on whatever else is going to come.

“Being at home, you don’t need weights, you have your own body weight to conquer. My clients are enjoying the sessions, they are getting the burn, they are getting the sweat and burning the calories, their body is in motion and that’s the whole concept — to keep your body in motion.”

The Zoom link for the Girls’ Day Out Virtual Fitness Expo is https://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/84223626093

Stay fit: a poster for the Girls’ Day Out Virtual Fitness Expo, which starts at 8.45am on Saturday (Image provided)