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Banks advise on opening times

Bermuda’s retail banks have announced opening times as part of phase one of the Bermuda Government’s re-opening of the economy (File photograph)

In response to phase one of the Bermuda Government’s reopening plan for the island’s economy, the Bermuda Bankers Association has confirmed the authorised new limited operations and opening times for the island’s banks.

This includes opening times for Bermuda Commercial Bank, which follows announcements on Friday by Butterfield Bank, HSBC Bermuda and Clarien Bank about restricted reopening time at their branches.

The BBA executive committee said it had reviewed the information distributed by Government with respect to operating in phase one and provided information on banking services that will be provided effective from this week.

Bermuda Commercial Bank will open its Bermudian Road branch on Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to noon, with appointments recommended, but walk in customers will be served. Services are: cash, cheque deposit, and credit card payment and card pick up only.

Butterfield Bank will open all locations, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 1pm. The temporary Rosebank branch is for seniors only. Bank security to be present at all locations to manage queues and maintain social distancing. Customers will have to wear a mask while inside of bank facilities, and sanitise hands thoroughly before entering building. Services are: cheque cashing, withdrawals, wire transfer, account transfer, credit card payments, card collection, and statement production.

Clarien will have its Reid street branch open with the first hour, from 9am to 10am dedicated to seniors, and from 10am to 1pm for all other clients. Appointments are no longer necessary. Services are: emergency cash withdrawal for deserving cases, debit card pick up, collections of token, wire and local bank to bank transfers for customers who have do not have Clarien iBank access or problems with tokens, and any other emergency needs.

HSBC Bermuda will open its Somerset, St George and Front Street branches on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the first hour 9am to 10am for seniors, and 10am to 1pm for all other clients. The bank said there will be continued full compliance with physical distancing guidance, and it will require customers follow the Government’s revised guidelines with regards to masks. In addition, it will encourage as many transactions to take place outside the banking hall as possible. Services are: cheque encashment, cheque deposit, cash deposit through the quick deposit channels, card collection, internet token collection, and statement production.

The Bermuda Bankers Association said all banks will make adjustments to this schedule as Bermuda moves through the reopening phases and at all times will apply proper physical distancing and the use of proper PPE by customers within banking facilities.

It is also actively encouraging customers to continue using ATMs, online access/mobile applications, and drop off boxes for the majority of their banking transactions.