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#ChooseBDA launches community video

The digital campaign #ChooseBDA has created a video featuring island personalities to encourage resident to buy locally.

Participants include a police officer, a nurse, business owners, an organ player, a fireman, a real estate agent and children.

A spokeswoman for#ChooseBDA said: “If we all change some of our spending behaviours, we as a community will better weather the economic crisis of Covid-19.”

Lorraine Shailer, of Marks and Spencer, who chairs the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce’s retail division, said: “What we hope is the #ChooseBDA campaign will remind everyone of the power of keeping Bermuda dollars in Bermuda.

“When we choose to spend our money with local retailers and service companies, those dollars multiply throughout our economy.

“Beyond business owners, their teams, and all the other stakeholders in the supply chain, choosing local enables our community to pay rent, buy groceries, pay bills and taxes, buy goods and use services.

“Keeping that Bermuda dollar in Bermuda is not only helping your local businesses, it’s also helping the community as a whole.

“The reality is our economy is not linear, it’s a circle. While we realise that not every dollar can be spent locally, it’s definitely in everyone’s best interest to choose Bermuda wherever and whenever we can.”

The group behind the #ChooseBDA campaign also recognises that there are always improvements to be made and that through education, access to resources and inspiration, Bermuda’s retail sectors can be on par with the global standard.

“From moving online, to providing great customer-service and adapting and responding to those customer’s needs, it’s our belief that the time is now for Bermuda businesses to show how great they are and can be,” a spokeswoman said.

To contact #chooseBDA, e-mail choosebda@gmail.com or visit their IG or FB Page #chooseBDA