Chamber to hold webinar on leading virtual teams
A webinar on leading virtual teams is to be hosted by the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce next week.
The 90-minute Chamber Talk session on July 23 will be led by Richard James, certified facilitator in Bermuda for FranklinCovey, a global consulting firm that claims to help “organisations achieve results that require lasting changes in human behaviour, often the most difficult challenge any organisation faces”.
In a statement, the Chamber said participants “will explore the critical mindset shifts that maximise effectiveness as leaders, adapt their one-on-one communication to better understand team issues, review the importance of creating clarity about team goals and learn how creating a culture of feedback can increase engagement, especially when leading a team virtually”.
The Chamber added that attendees would leave the session with practical and relevant guidance on how to effectively lead and manage their remote teams.
Kendaree Burgess, the Chamber’s chief executive officer, said: “With the changing work environment, it can be very stressful leading and managing remote workers.
“This session will explore solutions to cope with the new way of working, and better equip you to guide your team to stay engaged to achieve goals, and ultimately influence organisational outcomes.”
Registration is $25 for Chamber members and $35 for non-members and can be purchased in advance from the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce. For more information, e-mail, or visit the Chamber website at