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One Communications gives customers a data boost

One Communications has announced that residential smartphone plan customers have received a free and permanent upgrade to their included data as of December.

LTE smartphone plans have been increased to between 6GB and 60GB.

Customers received an increase of up to 200 per cent to their smartphone data on their existing plans. The details were sent to customers via e-mail and text message.

Brian Lonergan, chief commercial officer at One Communications, said: “We are excited to provide our customers with plans that continue to include the most smartphone data on-island. We know our customers are using their devices more than ever, and we want to ensure they have the data they need to get the most from their smartphones.”

New customers wishing to sign up with One Communications, as well as existing customers signing up on NextOne, are also eligible for the Holiday Smartphone plans.

In addition, One Communications has launched a digital advent calendar, which includes raffles to win gift cards purchased from local retailers, hotels and spas; games to win money for charity; initiatives with local coffee shops/bakeries and giveaways from One. The advent calendar started on November 27 and runs through December 20. For a chance to win, visit onecomm.bm/adventcalendar

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Published December 03, 2020 at 8:00 am (Updated December 02, 2020 at 4:15 pm)

One Communications gives customers a data boost

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