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Precious Smith and Paige Gell join ASW Law’s pupillage programme

Precious Smith (Photograph supplied)
Paige Gell (Photograph supplied)

A law firm has accepted two law students into its pupillage programme.

Precious Smith and Paige Gell have joined Hamilton-based ASW Law Ltd’s programme.

Ms Smith began her legal studies at the University of Buckingham, in England, where she obtained a bachelor of laws (honours – upper division). She then obtained an LLM in international and commercial law with a corporate specialism. She completed the Legal Practice Course at BPP University in London where she graduated with distinction.

Ms Paige has previously worked on island as compliance analyst for a leading reinsurer. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in international politics from the University of Surrey, in England. She went on to complete her graduate diploma in law and legal practice course at the University of Law, Guildford.

AWS said it is invested in recruiting qualified Bermudian candidates for its one-year pupillage programme. It added: “The programme allows pupils to receive mentorship with experienced senior lawyers, develop wide-ranging legal skills and participate in interesting projects involving a variety of different areas of law. ASW pupils work in a stimulating environment, which supports professional development through to becoming fully qualified Bermuda barristers and attorneys.”

Kehinde George, ASW director and head of insolvency, said: “Our pupillage programme has proven to develop successful and well-versed attorneys. We are delighted to have two new pupils of such high calibre join our growing legal team.”

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Published March 22, 2021 at 8:00 am (Updated March 22, 2021 at 12:43 pm)

Precious Smith and Paige Gell join ASW Law’s pupillage programme

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