Chamber of Commerce presents three-week lunch and learn series
The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce is to present a three-week lunch and learn series in partnership with FranklinCovey Bermuda.
The educational series, “Leadership for Change – Collaboration, Diversity and Agility in a Post-Covid World” is open to Chamber members and non-members.
It will be held online via Zoom on consecutive Fridays – July 2, July 9, and July 16 from noon until 1pm.
The Chamber said the sessions are designed for those in a leadership position who are seeking solutions to cultural and performance issues in this challenging environment. These sessions are well suited to professionals within the business, government, and non-profit settings, it added.
Session one on July 2, “Understanding the Speed of Trust”, will be presented by FranklinCovey Bermuda leadership consultant Richard James. The session will explore how many organisational performance problems are actually trust issues in disguise.
Session two on July 9, also presented by Mr James, is titled “Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Execution”, and will focus on creating a culture of execution and engagement.
The final session will be presented by Martha Kirkland, director, FranklinCovey Bermuda on July 16. Entitled “Developing a Culture of Inclusion”, the limiting impact of unconscious bias in the workplace will be examined, along with the compelling need to drive inclusion.
Ms Kirkland said: “We will be exploring some key leadership concepts driving collaboration, inclusion and agility – and ultimately performance and results in these challenging times.”
Kendaree Burgess, chief executive officer of the Chamber, said: “In a post Covid world, where workplace norms are changing rapidly, all sectors of the business community should be interested in adapting and evolving.
“This set of sessions provided by FranklinCovey Bermuda will assist in guiding leaders in unchartered territory.”
Registration fees are $25 for Chamber members and $50 for non-members per session.
To register, see Chamber website at, or call 295-4201.