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Free wi-fi service in Hamilton begins this month

Bermuda’s newest internet provider has launched a programme in conjunction with the City of Hamilton to provide free wi-fi in the city.

Horizon CEO Gilbert A Darrell said: “When looking at the lack of wi-fi in Hamilton, we felt that we could help while giving back to the community.”

He said that while building Horizon Communications’ business network of "Terragraph" units in the city, the company saw the opportunity to add extra capacity to the network and include a wi-fi service for the city.

Mr Darrell said: “For Horizon, internet is our product and our business, but we also have to be there for the community and help those who live and work in Bermuda.

“There are a lot of people who don’t have cellphone data and choose to save money this way, but they still need a way to communicate. The same goes for those who are travelling and visiting Bermuda without cellphone service or those who need to contact someone during an emergency. This offers them that opportunity.”

The current coverage extends over sections of Front, Reid, Burnaby and Church streets, with coverage on Victoria, Court and King streets soon available.

Dwayne Caines, chief operating officer and secretary of the Corporation of Hamilton, said: “The City of Hamilton is pleased to work with Horizon to offer free internet access to the city as this is now a standard which is expected in most progressive jurisdictions around the world.

“The provision of citywide internet has many advantages, and we recognise the importance of offering residents and tourists access to wi-fi in an age that is fuelled by technology.

“This will help people access our city tours using the new bar codes and it will also allow tourists to navigate Hamilton with ease and residents to access our city services from their devices within the community.

“Improving the quality of visits to the City of Hamilton by residents, business owners and tourists is always an organisational priority. The Horizon wi-fi project is another step in helping to propel the city’s continued growth as we move towards the future.”

To use the free wi-fi, users simply need to open their wi-fi options on their devices and click “FREE Wi-Fi” www.horizon.bm.

Once selected, the device will ask that you log in through Facebook, and you will be logged on to the free network.

Mr Darrell added: “We want people to use it, to have that connection to their friends and family when they need it. We plan on keeping it operational for a long time!”

The free service will be for an hour’s usage. Meanwhile, Mr Darrell said, the company continues its corporate rollout in Hamilton.

He said: “Corporate is going well. We've been signing up some ‘name-plate’ customers that I'm really happy to say are finding Horizon a quality service and good company to do business with.

“We're signing up residential customers in Southampton, St George’s and the City of Hamilton, but we expect island-wide residential services by Q3 next year.”

Gilbert “Artie” Darrell: founder of Horizon Communications (File photograph)
Dwayne Caines, the Corporation of Hamilton's chief operating officer (Photograph submitted)
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Published November 12, 2021 at 10:50 am (Updated November 12, 2021 at 10:50 am)

Free wi-fi service in Hamilton begins this month

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