Seeking purposeful positivity in the new year
As our clients embark on their planned pathways for the year ahead, they are reminded by us that what separates great companies and leaders from merely good ones is their capacity for purposeful positivity.
Our research at Bermuda Clarity Institute proves that embedding positivity into the DNA of an organisation creates the foundation for longevity and the expectation of greatness. This is why positivity and optimism are key measures in our assessments and surveys.
But what makes a positive culture? Three simple yet challenging elements:
• Leaders in touch with their people.
• People aligned with the organisational expectations.
• An environment where those people are openly encouraged to share their insights and build a belief in what they can collectively achieve.
Understanding and accepting both the role and the importance of positivity in the psyche of an organisation is a fundamental part of leading. Because of the constant bombardment of information that confronts us daily, leaders can easily succumb to information overload. If we are not careful, these distractions will derail us.
So how can we keep on track and take time to think about the positive? We recommend to many of the leaders we work with to employ a short weekly exercise that helps us to purposely leave behind things that don’t serve us and reinforces the positivity that defines us when we are at our best.
Gratitude for all we accomplish every day is the foundation for positivity and performance. Yet, as each new week begins, leaders often hold on to shortcomings, frustrations and negativity that they encountered over the past week, quarter or year. Research shows that when we let go of negativity and regret from our past we can achieve a level of clarity to move forward with purpose.
Letting go of what I need to leave behind
Take some time and think about those things that did not go well or created negativity or resentment in your current life. What are some things you continue to hold on to to your company’s (or your own) detriment?
Identify what you must take forward
What are those things that, when completed, will bring positive value to you and your organisation? Think about tasks, projects and obstacles that must be addressed.
Expressing gratitude for all that you have accomplished
There is nothing more important than identifying and openly recognising the good that your organisation and your team achieve each week. It is easy for us to allow negativity to form clouds of doubt or discomfort.
For your wellbeing, it is crucial to identify and express gratitude for the good, positive things we have created or are a part of.
Take a moment to list ten specific things you’re grateful for.
Doing this small exercise will help centre leaders and allow them to actively tackle the first steps in achieving a positive organisational culture. It is the glue that binds an organisation to its future state and its importance cannot be understated.
To learn more about how we define positivity, explore our previous article on how we define the five fundamental elements of positivity here. (
It is also on our blog on our website along with all the rest of our Moment of Clarity articles at