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Bermuda Job Board site updated

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Valuable resource: the Bermuda Job Board is the Department of Workforce Development’s online tool that connects job seekers with employers (File photograph)

The Department of Workforce Development has unveiled updates and improvements to the Bermuda Job Board online that government says will enhance the user experience and make the site more productive.

The government department said in a statement the Job Board is a vital online tool that connects job seekers with employers, and the updates will help make the process more efficient and effective.

The new enhancements include employer approval updates, survey integration, and user interface improvements for candidates and employers.

Additionally, system and database improvements will provide all users with a faster and more efficient experience, the government statement promises.

Site enhancements also address information gaps by allowing young people seeking employment to update their profiles with more detail about their tertiary education, including areas of study and their projected graduation date.

"We are committed to ensuring that the Bermuda Job Board is a valuable resource for our community," said Jason Hayward, the Minister of Economy and Labour.

"These updates will make the site more user-friendly and efficient for job seekers and employers by improving the user experience overall."

The statement added: “Those familiar with the Bermuda Job Board can rest assured that despite the improvements, the website's functionality remains very much the same.

“However, we advise all employers to update their profiles with new logos and contact information to ensure up-to-date job postings.

“The updates to the Bermuda Job Board went live on Tuesday, May 9, and the Department of Workforce Development welcomes all job seekers and employers to experience and enjoy the new and improved platform.”

Jason Hayward, the Minister of Economy and Labour (File photograph)

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Published May 11, 2023 at 7:35 am (Updated May 11, 2023 at 7:35 am)

Bermuda Job Board site updated

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