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OneComm’s biggest complaint is wi-fi, says CEO

Blanket wi-fi: an eero, left, with two eero beacons. One Communications can often troubleshoot wi-fi problems remotely

One Communications’ biggest complaint is about wi-fi, but a lot of the time it is because of the wrong equipment being used, according to the chief executive.

Niall Sheehy said the firm brings the internet cable to a house but in many cases that was where it stopped.

“About half our customers don't have our wi-fi. They have our internet service, so they have the link out from the house, but in the house, you also need a network, which is the wi-fi network.

“Probably our biggest complaint is about wi-fi. But a lot of times, I can't give you exact numbers, but I'd say possibly even most of the times it’s actually not us. It’s not our piece of equipment.

“That doesn't mean we're washing our hands of it.”

He said that issues could arise if the wi-fi equipment wasn’t in the right part of the house “so the wi-fi might work great in here, but if you go around the corner, it doesn't work so great, sometimes it’s just configuration”.

He said that most of One Communications’ customers bought the firm’s eero device which it uses to build a wi-fi mesh.

“Now we're not washing our hands of it, but we can only see so far. And so if we provide the equipment, including the wi-fi piece, we can come in and we can troubleshoot that and try and make it better.

“It can be us and it could be a faulty box, so that's why the troubleshooting is important. And most of the troubleshooting we do can be done over the phone, it doesn't involve getting someone to come out.

“Almost all the time, if we own the devices, we can actually see, and we can say, ‘you're getting a terrible speed off the box that’s in the upstairs bedroom, you might want to try it somewhere else’.

“Or we may need to replace it. Maybe somebody dropped it or, you know, we'll replace it with a new one and, and bring it out. And usually that would fix the problem.”

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Published December 11, 2023 at 7:57 am (Updated December 11, 2023 at 7:22 am)

OneComm’s biggest complaint is wi-fi, says CEO

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