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Bermuda company releases playable demo of royalty game

Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice (File photograph)

A Bermudian-based company focused on creating an online and offline immersive, fantasy-based royalty-themed game has released a playable demo version.

The RoyaLand Company Ltd said that this “vertical slice” of TheRoyal.Land game would be shared with key gaming trade publications for their feedback and contribution towards the further refinement and development of the video game.

Everyday gamers interested in playing the vertical slice can enter a contest for a chance to access the game by submitting their information at https://www.theroyaland.net/contest/.

A draw will be held on March 1, from which five participants will receive access to download the vertical slice and begin playing the game.

“We are thrilled to reach this important milestone,” said RoyaLand founder and chief executive, Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice.

“This vertical slice of TheRoyal.Land will show the progress we’ve made across all aspects of the game and demonstrate its potential to investors, publishers, and gamers alike.

“This vertical slice will also give us the opportunity to receive feedback that we believe will enable us to further improve the game and both broaden and accelerate its commercialisation moving forward.”

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Published January 23, 2025 at 3:35 pm (Updated January 23, 2025 at 10:57 pm)

Bermuda company releases playable demo of royalty game

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