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Hamilton parking lots feel the squeeze

Parking availability has been up and down in Bull’s Head in the past month, with some days seeing all 700 spots occupied by lunchtime (Photograph by Jessie Moniz Hardy)

Parking lots across Hamilton are experiencing increased demand, according to the Corporation of Hamilton, putting extra pressure on the all-day Bull’s Head car park.

Regulars in the three-storey facility on Jackson’s Way may have noticed variable parking availability, with all 700-parking spots taken up by lunchtime on several days this month.

The City attributed this to a number of factors.

“Some parking locations outside the city have lost availability, leading more commuters to use Bull’s Head as it remains one of the most affordable options,” a spokesman for the corporation said.

This month, the cost of parking there all-day went from $5 to $6, with lesser charges for shorter periods.

“Some organisations are utilising minibus shuttles to transport employees to and from Bull’s Head,” the corporation revealed.

Increasingly vigilant parking enforcement officers in Hamilton are contributing to the issue.

“They are conducting active patrols to ensure compliance with on-street parking regulations,” the corporation said. “As a result, more drivers who previously parked on the street all day are now using all-day car parks like Bull’s Head.”

The ongoing construction at the WER Joell Tennis Stadium, on Marsh Folly Road in Pembroke, has also displaced vehicles, pushing them towards more central parking in town.

The Elliott Street and Par-la-Ville parking lots are also reaching full capacity on a daily basis, leaving Bull’s Head as the main alternative for parking in Hamilton.

The corporation said that while a shift back to in-office work could be contributing to the issue in the City’s parking lots, it was not the key driver.

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Published February 19, 2025 at 7:57 am (Updated February 19, 2025 at 7:57 am)

Hamilton parking lots feel the squeeze

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