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Wait continues for improved Shelly Bay access

Troubled waters: a flashback to the unrest last year amid the BTA’s failed Beach Economy Vision for Shelly Bay (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

A Hamilton Parish beach could be more user-friendly for the elderly and disabled in time for the summer.

LaVerne Furbert, a member of a pressure group that mounted a successful campaign against Bermuda Tourism Authority plans for concessions housed in shipping containers at Shelly Bay in favour of better disabled access, said she had still to hear if the alternative proposals would be adopted.

Ms Furbert, a trade union official, added: “We haven’t stopped meeting.

“Our position has not changed. We don’t want those containers down there and we want to do something for the people who are physically challenged.

“We look forward to something happening in the summer. When we met with Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch last year, he seemed to be accepting of what we proposed. Hopefully, it will be in time for this summer, but we have not had a response.”

The BTA Beach Economy Vision plan would have included concessions offering food, drinks and beach equipment.

But the group opposed the scheme and suggested better access for the disabled instead. They also asked for new toilets, sensory rails for the blind and special mats designed to allow wheelchairs access to the water.

A government spokeswoman said: “The Ministry of Public Works continues to review and assess any proposed enhancements regarding Shelly Bay.”