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Like father, like daughter as Amber is Called to the Bar

Amber Wilson with her father, Lorren Wilson, a director at Cox Hallett Wilkinson, who submitted the application for her Call to the Bar (Photograph by Sarah Lagan)
Amber Wilson (Photograph supplied)

A young lawyer was Called to the Bar last week – 20 years after she watched her father join.

Amber Wilson, 25, thanked all the people who had guided her as she prepared to start as an associate at law firm Conyers.

Her father, Lorren Wilson, a director at Cox Hallett Wilkinson, submitted Ms Wilkinson’s application.

Ms Wilson said: “To my family, there are no words to describe how truly thankful and appreciative I am for all that they have done to get me to this submission.

“I am humbled by their selflessness, their sacrifices, and most importantly, their unwavering love and support in this journey.”

She thanked her mother Bernadette for her loyalty and told her father: “You have been the best father and role model I could ever have imagined.

“You have shown me that hard work and ambition are the fundamental tools to achieving greatness – on top of the importance of just being yourself.”

Ms Wilson of St George’s, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in anthropology in 2016 from the University of Exeter in Britain and earned a Bachelor of Laws degree from the university in 2018.

She passed the legal practice course from The City Law School at the University of London in 2019.

She completed several internships between 2017 and 2018 at Renaissance Re, Kennedys Chudleigh and Conyers.

She was earlier an intern at the Bermuda Tourism Authority and the Bermuda Human rights Commission, where she researched how to make the implementation of sexual harassment policies mandatory within local companies.

She was a pupil at Warwick Academy from 2003 until 2013 and completed the International Baccalaureate.

Ms Wilson thanked everyone who had helped her career, including Jason Piney, Stephanie Bernard, Lexa Macdonald and Christian Luthi at Conyers for their “world-class mentorship”.

Mr Wilson thanked the many people who had contributed to his daughter’s development, including Puisne Judge Nicole Stoneham and senior magistrate Juan Wolffe, who presided at the Call last Friday.

He also singled out his wife, Bernadette.

Mr Wilson said: “They say it takes a village to raise a child, I say it takes a good mother.”

He said Mrs Wilson had coached their daughter to ensure she could spell every word in the Oxford English Dictionary from memory in preparation for a spelling bee she won at the age of ten.

Mr Wilson added: “You have made me the proudest papa”.

He said that every parent had a moment when they knew their child was special – and his came when Ms Wilson made the ten-strong shortlist out of a hundred applicants for roles in a play, despite no stage experience.

Mr Wilson added he asked her how she did it and she replied that she “did exactly what they told me to do”.

Mr Wilson said: “I explained to her there is nothing in this world that you cannot achieve. Amber has taken those words to heart.

He told his daughter: “Amber, I am as proud of you today, as I was all those years ago. You continue to reach new heights … I love you and I am very, very proud of you.”

Christian Luthi, the chairman of Conyers, said young Bermudians of Ms Wilson’s calibre would help Bermuda navigate the “challenging opportunities” of the future.

He said: “I think we have a tremendous opportunity right now. There are wonderful shoots of activity going on in the international business market.

“It will be people like Amber who will have to carry the mantle and see the island through the coming decades.”

Kim White, director of the litigation department at Cox Hallett Wilkinson said Ms Wilson was “diligent and hard-working”.

Mr Wolffe urged Ms Wilson to hold on to her integrity.

He warned: “It will be tested. Don’t fail that test.”

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Published November 05, 2020 at 7:27 pm (Updated November 05, 2020 at 8:35 pm)

Like father, like daughter as Amber is Called to the Bar

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