Book on black history now available in print form
An antiracism charity said today that a print version of its book on black history was now available.
Black History in Bermuda: Timeline Spanning Five Centuries was created by Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda, with the support of the Human Rights Commission.
A digital version was released last month.
Curb’s research gave the group an “essential context” on race in Bermuda’s history.
The group said “legacy issues” persisted in Bermuda and needed to be tackled with reparations.
The timeline charts slavery in Bermuda from 1616 to 1834, as well as segregation and disenfranchisement after Emancipation in 1834 to 1971.
Copies are available at the People’s Pharmacy, The Griot, Bermuda Book Store, the Bookmart at Brown & Co., and Long Story Short in St George’s.
The book can also be ordered by e-mail to or calling 707-1496.