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Police: road users should work with officers for safer roads

Assistant Commissioner of Police Martin Weekes (Photograph supplied)

An Assistant Commissioner of Police today appealed road users to work with officers to make the island’s roads safer.

Martin Weekes appealed for caution after $26,000 in fines for roads offences were handed out in the space of a week.

Mr Weekes said: “It would appear that despite the heightened presence of officers from the roads policing unit and other departments on the island’s roads, as well as repeated appeals for better and more responsible behaviour by motorists and other road users, there continues to be disregard for safety on our roads by some road users.”

Mr Weekes explained that “30 people were charged and appeared in Magistrates’ Court for traffic offences” between November 2 and 9.

He added: "Of that number, five were charged with impaired driving and 25 for excessive speed, ranging from 59km per hour to 81km per hour.

“A total of $26,000 in traffic fines were issued over the same period.

“Fines were as high as $1,500 in a number of instances.”

Mr Weekes backed Dennis Lister III, the chairman of the Bermuda Road Safety Council, who reinforced the “don’t drink and drive” message this week.

He said: “It has been proven that the two major causes of road traffic collisions in Bermuda are driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs and excessive speed.”

Mr Weekes warned the public: “To this end, as we approach the festive season, there will be a continued heightened presence on the roads by our RPU team and if you choose to flout the island’s traffic regulations, you will find yourself appearing before the courts.

“However, we would much prefer that you work in conjunction with us to make the roads safer.

“This is not about being heavy handed but we will continue to enforce the law as required.”

Mr Weekes offered the service’s condolences to the family and friends of Clevonte Lodge-Bean, 18, who died after a crash in Sandys last Sunday morning.

He added: “We are still appealing for anyone who may have information on this unfortunate incident to please contact the investigating officer, PC David Ward of the Roads Policing Unit at his office on 247-1504, or, on his mobile, 717-0540.”

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Published November 12, 2020 at 5:25 pm (Updated November 12, 2020 at 5:26 pm)

Police: road users should work with officers for safer roads

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