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BA jet tests new airport terminal and its staff

A British Airways Boeing 777 pulls up to the jetway at the new airport terminal on November 13, 2020 (Photograph by E. Michael Jones)
A British Airways Boeing 777 pulls up to the jetway at the new airport terminal on November 13, 2020 (Photograph by E. Michael Jones)

A trial run has been carried out at the new airport with the biggest commercial aircraft that flies to Bermuda.

British Airways joined Skyport, the airport’s operators, and others to help train staff lastThursday.

A Skyport spokeswoman said: “Skyport, in collaboration with British Airways, and many other airport stakeholders successfully executed a trial at the new passenger terminal building using a Boeing 777, the largest commercial flight that currently flies to Bermuda.

“The purpose of the trial was to train airport staff on best protocols for docking the aircraft to the new passenger boarding bridges.

“It also included positioning of all ground service vehicles around the aircraft.”

She added: “The trial was successful and brings us one step closer to opening Bermuda’s new terminal building on December 9.”

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Published November 15, 2020 at 2:30 pm (Updated November 15, 2020 at 2:29 pm)

BA jet tests new airport terminal and its staff

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