Patrons at three venues told to quarantine and test
People who visited three entertainment venues at the end of last month were last night warned to quarantine and get tested for the virus.
Health officials said the three venues were Southampton Rangers Sports Club, Flanagan's Outback Sports Bar in Hamilton and FryDay’s Trampoline Park in Dockyard.
A health ministry spokeswoman said that people linked to the locations had tested positive for the virus.
The spokeswoman added anyone who was at the Southampton Rangers on November 27 or November 29 may have been exposed to the virus.
Patrons of Flanagan’s Outback Sports Bar on November 28 are also at risk, along with anyone who visited FryDay’s Trampoline Park on the same day.
The spokeswoman said: "We are advising individuals who attended these locations, on these specific days to quarantine from others outside of their household until they are advised by the Ministry of Health.
"In the case of children their primary caregiver should also quarantine.“
She added: “We would not normally issue this information in the public domain.
“However, our contact tracers have not received adequate contact tracing information from these locations.
“The Ministry of Health is issuing the advisory as the most expedient way to contact all those individuals who may have attended these events.”
Anyone who was at any of the venues on the relevant days should call the Covid-19 hotline on 444-2498 to arrange a test.