Church halts services after coronavirus hits
A church has become the latest casualty of Covid-19 after a member of its congregation tested positive for the coronavirus.
St. Mark's Church in Smith's will not hold its regular services for the next two weeks after it learnt of the news following a service last Sunday.
The Reverend Gavin Tyte, the rector of St. Mark's, said: "One of our congregation that attended that worship has tested positive for the coronavirus.
"The person is asymptomatic and has had no known contact with a positive case."
Mr Tyte said: "As a church, we followed the guidelines. We had 36 in attendance on Sunday out of a permitted 38.
“People were socially distanced and wearing masks. We used hand sanitiser and sung at speaking volume.”
"Given the current surge in cases, we will not be holding face-to-face church gatherings of any kind for the next two weeks."
Mr Tyte said that he had told church leaders, including The Right Reverend Nicholas Dill, Bishop of Bermuda, about the development.
Mr Tyte said: "Those who were in close proximity to the person have been directly contacted by me.
"It is likely that those individuals will be required to quarantine for 14 days.“
He told parishioners: “If you have not been directly contacted by me, then there is currently no requirement for you to quarantine.“
Services for the next two weeks will be live-streamed.