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Police appeal on missing teenager

Missing: Jayvyn Iris (Photograph supplied)

Police last night appealed for help to trace a missing teenager.

Jayvyn Iris was last seen around 5pm yesterday.

He was said to be 5ft 8in tall of slim build with brown skin.

He has black curly hair worn in a Mohawk, a goatee beard and a slight moustache.

Mr Iris was wearing black pants with red stripes, a black hoody, black sneakers and carrying a grey knapsack and a helmet when last seen.

Anyone with information that could help police should call 211 or the main police number on 295-0011.

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Published December 21, 2020 at 12:55 am (Updated December 21, 2020 at 12:55 am)

Police appeal on missing teenager

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