RBR to recruit new troops on Thursday
The Royal Bermuda Regiment will sign up new recruits on Thursday night.
Candidates should report to Warwick Camp at 6pm to start the enlistment process.
Major Duncan Simons, the RBR’s Career Management Officer, said: “It’s the best second job in Bermuda.
“They will be joining an organisation of people who want to challenge themselves and grow personally and professionally.
“They can also build a network that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.”
Major Simons added that an RBR career offered the chance to travel and gain experience easily transferable to civilian life.
He said: “It will also bolster their CVs if they are looking for a job or to change job.”
Candidates should bring bank details, their Social Insurance number and, if applicable, a work permit and letter of support from their employer if a work permit holder.
The recruitment process will be governed by Covid-19 regulations and mask-wearing will be required.
Potential soldiers will be interviewed, undergo a medical examination and take part in a fitness test, for which gym gear should be worn.
Major Simons said the recruitment process was expected to take around two hours.
Successful applicants will go through next month’s Recruit Camp, scheduled to be held between February 14 and 27, based at Warwick Camp.
Major Simons said anyone normally resident on the island could apply to join.
He added: “People should not hesitate to give us a call if they can’t make it to the enlistment night. We can arrange an interview and the other requirements for a later date.”
For more information, call 238 1045 or visit www.bermudaregiment.bm.