OBA MP urges people to take keys off revellers about to drink and drive
People should grab the keys from festive revellers they think are about to drink and drive over the holiday season, the One Bermuda Alliance shadow transport minister said yesterday.
Susan Jackson issued the appeal, insisting that if fellow partygoers or bar customers did not take direct action to prevent motorists who are over the limit from getting behind the wheel, or on their bikes, it could lead to life-changing road accidents.
Ms Jackson said it did not matter if a fellow drinker got angry for the intervention at the time because it could save their life and the lives of others.
The MP said: “To fellow bar patrons, if you see someone about to operate a vehicle and you know they’ve had too much to drink, take their keys.
“They may get mad at you in the moment, but your actions could save a life; not just theirs, but other innocent road users’.”
So far this year, ten people have died on Bermuda’s roads.
Ms Jackson made the intervention call as she urged motorists to use alcohol moderately, if at all, if they intend to drive during the Christmas and new year festivities.
She said: “With holiday and end-of-year parties in full swing, and merriment at every turn, I urge the motoring public to be responsible and not drink and drive.
“This time of year, friends are generous at the bar and we all know that one drink can easily turn into three, three into more and before you know it, you are, as Bermudians affectionately say, tapped.
“There’s nothing wrong with having a good time, but the nightmare can begin when you decide to operate a vehicle while under the influence.
“While you may think you’re fine to travel, you aren’t. One bad decision can become life-altering, for you and for others.
“I implore you to not drink and drive.
“Let your sober friends drive you home, take a cab, catch the bus, walk. But please don’t drink and drive.”
The comments come in the wake of the Bermuda Road Safety Council advising drivers to plan ahead when they go out socialising in order to avoid breaking the law.
The organisation’s message for the month of December is ‘Designate Your Driver’.
A spokeswoman for BRSC said at the launch of the campaign: “People will consume alcohol more during the holiday season so we encourage everyone to plan ahead, to ensure that you get home safely.
“Hire a taxi/minibus, have a designated driver and call a close friend or relative to pick you up.
“Since 2018, we have seen the introduction of roadside sobriety checkpoints and they have made a difference in changing the attitude towards drunk-driving.”