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A new chapter in democracy

Some years ago I was invited into the cockpit of a British Airways flight to Washington. Entering the flight deck area, it was amazing to see so many instruments, but on looking out the front window it became clear that without those tools, the crew would have no sense of direction.Reflecting on the formation of a new political party, it struck me that while such a move is disturbing to some, it could be positive for Bermuda, providing those involved are prepared to embrace a new age of transparency and commitment to serve the people of the country as their highest priority.Like the important instruments on the flight deck, Bermuda needs capable and strong political instruments, so to speak, in order to get our Island on the right path to a new day of success and social harmony.Already pundits are weighing in on whether the latest development is really creating a stronger opposition to offer as a better alternative when the next General Election rolls around, or will it be simply a new chapter in our political history.In the months ahead, while there will be debates and discussions on the demise of the United Bermuda Party, after 47 years, and despite some positive aspects of their history, much of the country was not convinced they had truly lived up to their name. Many feel that had they been able to connect with the broad community on key issues, they would still be a political force to be reckoned with. Sometimes we forget that ordinary hard working Bermudians may not be political experts, but they should never be underestimated in knowing whether the country is moving in the right direction or not.The Progressive Labour Party Government, which began with what sounded like a new voice of freedom, social justice, and industrial progress for the people, will also be the subject of scrutiny and debate since, after gaining power, a growing number of people including many of their supporters, have become disillusioned with a Government they feel is overly obsessed with itself.The issue concerning most people today is not so much that a new political opposition is forming, but whether, in an atmosphere of doubt and fear, we can keep it together to meet our many challenges of the day.There will be those who are vehemently opposed to seeing the United Bermuda Party slip into the pages of history after such a long period. And there will be others who, even in the face of difficult times, seem unwilling to question the leaders of the day over the issues facing the country. Much of this is emotional attachment to the past. That too is understandable.Democracy provides for free expression, or no expression at all. That principle must be held up and recognised if we are to move ahead with respect for each other, regardless of race or political persuasion.What most people are waiting to see is whether a new political force will be able to win the people’s trust and confidence. That will not be easy to accomplish. The people will need more than glossy promises especially since trust and confidence in the political arena has dissipated over the years.Doing what is best for the people will always be a challenge for any Government, since occasionally they will have to make unpopular decisions that will please some and infuriate others. That is an inescapable reality.Communication with the people will be vital in this new age of having the good, the bad, and the ugly flashed about at the touch of a button. Technology is wonderful, but we should never lose sight of proven values that make a difference in the quality of life on our island home.Unlike the cockpit of that British Airways airliner, a large section of our community are left wondering whether our leaders of the day are clear on where we are heading.What matters with most Bermudians is that whatever transpires in the new political age, transparency, honesty, truth and dignity will be key elements. Anything short of this, could result in history repeating itself.