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Kids today have so many sporting opportunities

The average young athlete in Bermuda is given so many wonderful opportunities to travel abroad and challenge themselves in their respective sport it is incredible.Regardless of what sport they are in today our kids are blessed with opportunities that many of us older folks never had. It is with these lifetime chances that they need to make the most out of every opportunity that they get. You never know who is watching or what is just around the corner for them.No doubt today’s child lives a far different life from the one we experienced growing up. Back in the day, we climbed trees, jumped off the rocks into the ocean, used hand lines to catch turbots, grunts and breams, played hide and seek and rode our pedal bikes about the neighbourhood. All this, plus the tip-n-go cricket and backyard football games of four-a-side with one goal, captivated our attention.Fast forward to today, and the fresh air and salt water have given way to the confines of a bedroom and a hand device that has wires leading into a monitor of some sort.The electronic games are endless, from Wii to Xbox to Playstation. Children are often glued to their screens for four and five hours at a time.Thankfully, the summer holidays will soon be upon us, for it affords us the opportunity to counteract this growing trend towards inactive lifestyles.At the West Pembroke Primary, this summer (July), my bother Wendell and I will be holding a camp for boys aged seven to thirteen. It will be a variety packed camp that is designed to offer something of interest for everyone.There will be swimming at Sandys 360’s indoor facility, and BASA pool, tennis, mini golf, bowling, plus the traditional activities of cricket and football. In addition there will be computer games, excursions to various local parks, lizard catching, “suck rock” hunting and snorkelling.Today’s youngster has so many opportunities, especially if he or she is a gifted athlete. From the BTFA and the Carifta Games, to the BLTA and the BFA, our children can travel the world while participating in their favourite sport.Certainly with societal issues being what they are, we must be vigilant in encouraging our talented children to “stay the course” and make the most of their God-given talents. Whether a gymnast or an equestrian, a sprinter, or a striker, the world is their oyster and as parents we must keep them motivated and encouraged. Sport certainly offers them a chance to see the world and learn new cultures, and make lasting friends. Most importantly, it builds character and self-esteem.I want to personally challenge Bermuda and the Government especially to step up to the plate and stop selling our young people short.The time is now for us as a country to act and get things right. It is long overdue for the National Stadium to be completed. Our kids need a facility whereby they can enhance their skills.In the past so much was discussed about having an Academy for our athletes, but nothing has come to fruition. As far as I am concerned it was all hot air, just a ploy to make things look appealing.It is about time we as a country stop talking the talk and walking the walk.If we do not get things right and put things in place in this country we will continue to go backwards and fast. Bermuda our country is already rapidly declining and the question I ask you is the same question I ask myself what are you going to do or what are you willing to do about it?When I reflect on playing three of my under 14s in the 20/20 cricket two weeks ago I feel I have just created a new avenue for them.These kids are so focused on their cricket right now that they have a goal, something they can look forward to. Imagine if these young men trained and never got a chance to play, what impact that could have on their lives.Who knows where they would be if it wasn’t for cricket as it is so simple to get caught up in our society. We as a country have to create opportunities for our children as the streets are eating them up slowly.The West Pembroke summer camp for boys is just one way of me giving back to our children. The camp has a focus on a variety of things, not just sports. It will not only focus on sports but the teaching of everyday life skills. Our young men need role models and guidance, so I urge you to search for a camp this summer that offers just that.At the moment, I’m personally working on a massive project for our young men to further enhance themselves, and grab the opportunities that are literally right at their fingertips.I’m committed to making a difference in Bermuda with our young men.No longer will I wait to see if something will happen I’m going to do my best to make something happen. We owe it to our youth to provide for them opportunities and chances to be successful.There is an old saying: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Bermuda our kids are crying out to us in more ways than one, not just sports, but in life period.I encourage and I urge you to make a difference in one child’s life. That is a start and if all of us could do that just imagine how much better Bermuda would be.