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Colts could be a key factor in Cup Match

With Cup Match literally one month away there is already some excitement in the air. What colts will force their way into the St. George’s and Somerset teams? Will there be new blood coming through to add additional excitement and enthusiasm to the game?With our cricket season seemingly stuttering by and Eastern Counties somewhat in turmoil, Cup Match will be the highlight of this summer and the onus will be on both clubs to bring about a result this year.Over the years several senior players have kept the quality of Cup Match going. Now is the time for some young blood to come through and show their stuff and light up Cup Match with some dazzling displays.Down in St. George’s, there are several quality, exciting, young players vying for a Cup Match spot. Regino Smith, Shae Pitcher, Christian Burgess, Zeko Burgess, Dennico Hollis, Clay Darrell, Lateef Trott and Damali Bell are just a few who could cause some headaches for the selectors.Regino is an explosive batsman with a well-rounded game. He has the ability to bowl spin as well as keep wicket makes him a versatile player.Shae Pitcher is another explosive bat and good all-around player; down in St. David’s he has the nickname “Boom Boom” after Shahid “Boom Boom” Afridi, Pakistan’s explosive batsman.Christian Burgess has matured in his game over the last year. He is one of the best wicketkeepers around and his batting has become more consistent, thus putting him in contention for a spot.Zeko Burgess is the most aggressive, attacking, young bowler on the Island. He is genuinely quick and brings aggression to the game, a trait that has been lost over the years.Dennico Hollis was a reserve last year but as of late has stepped his game up. His overall game has escalated to the level that he has been drafted into the national team.Clay Darrell moved to St. George’s this year and has already shown his potential with both bat and ball. His ability to bat anywhere in the line-up gives the team flexibility and depth.Lateef Trott has made great strides this season, particularly bowling wise, to the point that the national team selectors have been looking at him. He can also be an explosive bat, which is always a bonus for a bowler.Damali Bell has just come back from a stint in the UK, giving him experience at the higher level. This would have certainly helped his game. Being a left arm bowler, he brings variety to the attack and he has the ability to bat as well.Up at the other end of the Island, Somerset will be looking for some new blood to come in and help them wrestle the trophy back from St. George’s. Players like Kamau Leverock, Kamel Easton Terryn Fray, Stephen Dill, Trey Manders, and Keishon Wilson could possibly force their way into the team with some impressive performances.Kamau Leverock is almost a definite in Somerset’s team this year. His game has taken off this year and he has found his way into the national team. An explosive batsman with raw pace also makes him a solid contender for a spot this year in the Somerset team.Kamel Easton is raw talent. He has aggression and pace beyond his years. With Somerset looking to win trophy they will need bowling and he could be the dark horse.Terryn Fray has been in school over in England and his game would have developed. His ability to bat long and put together big scores gives him a realistic chance of making the team.Stephan Dill is another young, fast bowler with genuine pace, but what separates him is his extra height, something that we don’t produce often. That height advantage is certainly an added bonus. He has all the right attributes for a fast bowler.Tre Manders is young but talented. A good solid bat and off spinner who is definitely a player for the future. This year may be too soon for him, but anything is possible if he can show his true ability.Keishon Wilson has made a solid debut season at PHC and could cause some headaches in the West as they are looking for potential bowlers. This is a long shot, but with a few good performances he could make an honest quest for a place.Even with the abundance of talent out there, when picking young players options need to be weighed, as there are many factors to think about. Does home field advantage play a part in picking a youngster or not? Will the youngsters be mentally tough enough in a pressure situation, more so for the visiting team? Good form plays a major factor in saying “yay” or “nay”. Exceptional form puts pressure on the selectors, as this type of form will be rewarded with picking themselves.I want to encourage all young players to train hard and put in your extra work. Make an honest attempt and effort to make the team by putting in some good performances over the next month. Make the selectors’ job extremely difficult. Selectors are looking for consistency and players who can handle pressure situations.Regardless of who is chosen, this Cup Match is guaranteed to be exciting with a host of new talent. Both clubs are sure to put on a showcase this summer. As coach of St. George’s, I will be playing for a victory from the outset and our team selection will show that.