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Somerset facing tough Cup Match decisions

Cup Match, Cup Match, Cup Match will be the focus for the next few weeks.This week my focus will be on the challengers, Somerset. What changes could be in the works? Will there be many recalls? I am sure their goal is to win the Cup back outright.Regardless, they will be searching for the right personnel to get the job done but do they have the pool of players to choose from with the attributes they are looking for?Let’s take a look at Somerset’s team from last year’s Cup Match: Chris Douglas, Kwame Tucker, Jekon Edness, Deonte Darrell, Steven Outerbridge, Janeiro Tucker, Jacobi Robinson, Malachi Jones, Jordan DeSilva, Joshua Gilbert and Dwayne Leverock.From this team I can see two automatic changes in Kwame Tucker and Dwayne Leverock. In for Tucker could come Dion Stovell as he will try to show Bermuda once and for all that he can produce runs in the classic after previously not living up to the expectations of the public, let alone the selectors.The big question is who will replace Leverock? The obvious pick would be Derek Brangman who is currently the leading wicket-taker in Bermuda, but is he a Somerset favourite? Personally, I have no idea.There is one youngster that I believe should be an automatic pick and that is Kamau Leverock. If Somerset do not pick him, I have no words or reasoning as to why not.This youngster has blossomed and is Bermuda’s most promising prospect. He can do it all with the bat and ball and is very sharp in the field. However, his inclusion means that someone will have to be dropped and the obvious choices are between Steven Outerbridge and Deonte Darrell. They are both top quality players.Steven would certainly be a miss in the team as he brings a wealth of knowledge to the game. Jekon and Steven are best of buddies and Jekon would probably want Steven as his right hand man, filling the role of vice-captain, but there is a question mark over his fitness.If that is the captain’s wish then it puts pressure on last year’s MVP Deonte Darrell. Deonte has had a very lean season thus far with the bat. He is very talented and naturally gifted but has failed to produce so far.However last week’s score of 58 against powerhouse St. David’s suggests that he could be finding his form at the right time. It is inconceivable to have the possibility of last year’s MVP being dropped. That would certainly raise some eyebrows for fans and make its way into the record books as the first MVP to get dropped the following season.In Somerset’s bowling department there is Malachi Jones as the spearhead of the attack. Malachi can sometimes be a patchy bowler, but when his ‘A’ game is on, he is virtually unplayable. He still has to mature in his game and dig deep when his game is not of the highest standard; he needs to have the guts to battle through the tough times.His performance is vital and Somerset will need Malachi to be at his best if they are to pry the Cup Match trophy away from St. George’s.Jordan DeSilva is a club player who brings variety to the bowling attack as he is left-handed. He is a very steady bowler but not as penetrating as Somerset would like.Joshua Gilbert is a good, young off spinner who could cause St. George’s some problems if the Oval wicket is spinning as it has in previous years. His game has elevated over the last two seasons and already he has shown he can play at the highest level.Former captain Jacobi Robinson who, when fit, can be very aggressive and deadly with the ball. However, having just come off a knee injury he has been just ambling in this year and my sources say recently he was seen spinning.Jacobi will have to raise his game if he is to be selected again this season. Somerset will need him at his best because together he and Malachi are a deadly one-two punch. Outside of those bowlers, Somerset have Janeiro Tucker and Steven Outerbridge. They can bowl too, if need be, but they are the star bats who should really focus solely on scoring runs.Analysing the bowlers that Somerset have to choose from will be a daunting task as the selectors wonder if their bowling attack will be deep enough to achieve their goal.Do Somerset go to St. George’s with just one or two spinners in Joshua Gilbert and part-time spinner Dion Stovell who both turn the ball the same way? For many years Somerset have benefited from having two left arm spinners in Dwayne (Sluggo) Leverock and Hasan Durham.If they are to win the cup they will need that spinner who turns the ball away from the right-handers giving Derek Brangman an excellent chance of being selected . . . unless they turn to club player Shaquille Jones who is more of a part time left arm spinner, who can bat.Other bowlers who could realistically claim a spot in the classic are Kevin Hurdle, Kevon Fubler and Treddie Simpson. Hurdle in my eyes should have played last year when he proved beyond a doubt that he was the best bowler at the final trial. After Malachi his name would have been the second name on the list.I wasn’t there so I don’t know the reasons or lack of reasons behind the decision. All I know is that he was not selected. As in any team the best bowlers need to be selected for success. Fast, accurate and fit are a few of the most important attributes.One question that many are wondering about is the tactics used by Somerset. Should they continue to worry about personal individual scores or should they look to declare at a certain stage regardless of what the score is? Scenario, if a batsman is 30 runs away from scoring a century at your planned declaration, what will you do? Will you allow him to keep batting or be satisfied with him having a not out score? With Cup Match being only two days every minute is crucialI was listening to a heated conversation this past week about Cup Match and the main topic centred about recent draws. The St. George’s fan said, “The difference between Somerset and St. George’s is that when St. George’s didn’t have the cup we were willing to lose every year to get it back, but Somerset are too proud that they have won the trophy more than St. George’s outright so they are more reluctant to lose as they want to hold on to the fact that overall they have beaten St. George’s more times.”How true is that statement? All I can say is to look back at the recent five years and you will find evidence to support that hypothesis. Somerset, I ask you, are you willing to put the game in a position whereby either you win or lose?I believe that in the personality that Somerset coach Ricky Hoyte brings to the game, that this year Somerset’s tactics will be different.Hoyte is a very experienced player/coach who knows the game from a tactical side, an attribute that I truly respect. I have no doubt that Somerset will be well prepared and have a solid game plan in place.At the end of the day Somerset have the quality to make this year’s Cup Match a really entertaining game.The tactics that they look to go with will determine the team that they choose. I truly believe that this year will bring back the WOW factor of Cup Match.Somerset, I will leave you with this (and this is not a mind game that I am playing with you). When it comes to winning trophies you have to leave politics out of it and pick your best team.If I was a selector this year in Somerset this is the team I would select: Jekon Edness, Dion Stovell, Chris Douglas, Kamau Leverock, Deonte Darrell, Janeiro Tucker, Malachi Jones, Derek Brangman, Joshua Gilbert, Kevin Hurdle and Treddie Simpson.There is no room for club players Jacobi or Jordan.Jacobi is not fit enough to last two days as a fast bowler and Jordan, while I really like him as a player, is simply not penetrative enough for the tactics that I would use in this instance.He lacks the pace to bother the St. George’s batsmen as you have seen over the years. I would also leave out Steven Outerbridge due to the fact that he is just coming off of injury and I have my doubts he can last two days.My gut feeling, though, suggests that Somerset will pick the following team as they are afraid to ruffle too many feathers: Jekon Edness, Dion Stovell, Chris Douglas, Steven Outerbridge, Deonte Darrell, Janeiro Tucker, Malachi Jones, Joshua Gilbert, Kamau Leverock, Jordan DeSilva, and Jacobi Robinson.I am sure my comments will get the fuel burning up in the west.We in St. George’s look forward to the challenge that you will bring to us come July 28 and 29. Regardless of what team you bring to Wellington Oval, just know that you will have to be at your ultimate best if you are to wrestle this trophy away from the champions.Let Cup Match be the winner and make sure there is a victory this year.