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Bailey and Richardson the best men for the job

The race to become the next president of the Bermuda Cricket Board (BCB) has hotted up over the past week with more names being thrown into the hat

I think that Ed Bailey and Allen Richardson would be the two main contenders because of their experience in the sport. No disrespect to the other people running but you have to have had some time administrating and other things of that nature.You could have played the game for 20 years but that doesn’t make you a good president. You have to be people person, someone that can lead the way and be able to take criticism and address issues without ducking the situation.You also have to look at the business side of it. You have to run it like a business.It is a shame that governing bodies are crying over other issues right now. They can’t keep complaining and moaning. It’s time they pick themselves up and get things back on track.I feel sorry for Samantha Dill who was let go by the BCB. I would hope that they can go back and review this situation. She’s been a loyal servant to cricket and a good administator. Hopefully the Board can think again.* * *Dandy Town had a good win in their Dudley Eve final over North Village on Wednesday and, like I said last week, it takes a total team effort to get the job done. You certainly can’t blame Shaun Goater (Village coach) for the loss.When you’re on top everyone wants to beat you and that was an incentive had Town.* * *Another team that was taken off their high horse was Manchester United who got lashed at home against Manchester City.They haven’t taken a defeat that bad at home since 1930 but when you look at the team City have, it had to come some time and it just happened to click against their heated rivals.The important thing for City is they continue with this kind of form. They can’t afford to let up. United, meanwhile, have to look at a way to bounce back because it certainly puts into perspective what they need to do to retain their title.One thing people have to realise is that it is fine for Roberto Mancini now. But what happens if they don’t win the title this year? He will be fired.You know Sir Alex Ferguson will have his troops ready for today’s match against Everton. There is no better manager in England, so you have to believe that that result was a minor blimp on the radar.Chelsea to me were stupid and naive in thinking that QPR would lay down and not challenge them, although only one red card should have been issued.I don’t know exactly what went on in this match but there were many talking points including the referee. Fans must understand that just how a striker misses goals when it seems impossible, referees make mistakes too.The issue that remains out there is the allegation that John Terry racially abused Anton Ferdinand. This kind of thing is getting out of control and teams needs to come down hard on players if they are found guilty. That’s not to say in this case Terry was guilty.But everyone says it wasn’t me and at times things do get said in the heat of battle and it takes a man to come out and admit to what he has done.