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We cannot waste our young minds

A photo and tribute to movie theater shooting victim AJ Boik is shown next to a lit candle, Saturday, July 21, 2012, at a memorial to the shooting victims in Aurora, Colo. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

What is is that drives certain individuals to commit extreme acts of violence against peace-loving, innocent individuals?It would be easy to simply dismiss them as crazed individuals. But that does not help the authorities to prevent such outbursts in the future.That is perhaps the biggest challenge of all, since even people who outwardly appear to be non-threatening turn out to be ticking time bombs waiting for the opportunity to unleash their bitter hatred on society and innocent people.The murders of 12 people when a young, heavily armed gunman entered a theatre and indiscriminately opened fire on patrons as they watched the latest Batman film once again shows how one person can wreak havoc at a moment’s notice.This incident undoubtedly will touch off renewed debate about gun control. In addition, there wil be debate on the effect violence, both in real life and in the media, has on young minds. When does a mind, especially a young mind, slip away from normal respect for life and respect for others? Although there are no solid answers, many feel what happens to a child during the early stages of life could be a contributing factor.As a top US military official said recently when commenting on a rise in suicides among army personnel, “it is difficult to get inside a mind”. He noted that despite treatment, some could not be prevented from taking their lives. He stressed that it is an ongoing struggle to understand better how to deal with a troubled mind.In today’s troubled world where economic hardship has impacted just about every society, the likelihood for cracking under the strain is far greater. However economic pressure is not the single cause for people going over the edge and committing horrendous crimes. Down through the years, many people have struggled against conditions where life was most difficult as a result of not having adequate means to meet every day demands.Many families had to struggle to make it from one day to the next during the Second Wworld War years. But they persevered and, by clinging to values they knew mattered, overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles.The world is not perfect and we will not always succeed in maintaining values when things appear to be going terribly wrong. A young mind should be guided extremely carefully through sound parenting, and an education system that is mindful that falling short can have terrible cionsequences.If one person is allowed to fall away and is ignored, there is no telling what that person could end up being or doing. Many gangs throughout the world are formed by those who feel alienated from society.Trying to save a young mind from drifting into such an arena is a major challenge throughout countries around the world. Some parts of Chicago have been described as being out of control with murders almost every day. Toronto is in the grip of gang violence never seen before in that once-peaceful city. This trend of gun violence is deeply disturbing.Here in Bermuda we know gang activity is a threat to our way of life. This why it is vital that no stone is left unturned in trying to save those young minds, still full of promise, from falling prey to the many negative distractions that could derail Bermudas future. If ever there was a time for the full community to act, it is now.