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St. George's Cup Match capitulation a disgrace

Former Somerset players Jeff Richardson and Albert Steede coached the Somerset team along with Andre Manders in the buildup to Cup Match.

Cup Match is over, a new champion has been crowned, and I am still in a stunned state to say the least, and that's putting it nicely.First things first, I must first congratulate Somerset on their victory as I don't want to take away from their accomplishment, but the manner in which St. George's lost the cup was astonishing. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought Somerset could destroy St. George's in the manner in which they did.Prior to Cup Match, I commented that with the inclusion of Albert Steede and Jeff Richardson at the forefront of the coaching staff, Somerset had added a crucial dimension to their plans to dethrone St. George's. I have no doubt that the two of them played an integral part in the tactics of the game and their passion for winning certainly rubbed off on the entire team as Somerset displayed how prepared and focused they were.At the east end, St. George's had a couple of new faces with their coaching staff, but it was certainly a staff full of experience and expertise.However, the absence of Wendell Smith, one of the shrewdest tacticians around, was a huge miss as he opted to commentate over the two days instead of coaching. His advice during critical times of the game may have made the difference to the complete collapse of the St.George's batsmen.Having said that, while the coaches can make a difference with respect to advice and tactics, the players are the ones who need to execute a game plan and ultimately they are the ones who win and lose matches.Somerset totally surprised me when they won the toss and elected to bowl first. I believe this may have even caught St. George's by surprise.St. George's had a fairly good start with their openers but unfortunately failed to feed off of that good start. They should have easily made 300 runs plus which would have put Somerset under immense pressure as the wicket prepared was going to deteriorate as the play went on.With the St. George's' middle order batsmen crumbling, Somerset got a foot in the door and kicked it wide open for themselves with a lead of 52 runs from the first innings. Still at that point St.George's were certainly in no danger to lose the cup.What came next was totally shocking, unbelievable and mind-boggling. St. George's as the champions, with the game on the line, were bowled all out for 79 runs leaving Somerset to get 28 runs for victory.As I sat and watched via computer streaming, in astonishment, I wanted to jump through my computer as I couldn't believe the utter foolishness I was watching.Some, not all, of the St. George's batsmen could care less about the outcome of that game and it showed in their actions as they batted recklessly, almost as if they were paid off to throw the match.I certainly don't believe that but it was that nonchalant attitude and approach that really bothered me. It honestly will not surprise me if the president of St. George's Cricket Club refused to give full pay to some of the players. Two players in particular deserve to be told not to waste their time coming to trials next year based on the lack of pride, commitment and respect shown towards the St.George's club and the fans.I am sure that I could say the same for Somerset and their fans, that when representing your team, people won't and should not accept anything less than your best. We can certainly accept a loss if players have given their all, but are outplayed on the day. However, to lose in the manner in which we lost last week was despicable, embarrassing and totally unacceptable.The talk right now is that some players had issues with Lionel Cann being captain and that they had considered not even playing under Lionel. Well if that was the case (this is only rumour) then prior to Cup Match they should have requested a meeting with the president and the chairman of cricket to express their views.This would have allowed St.George's to make an adjustment and make the right decision for the team with either leaving those members out of the team or selecting a new captain. Hopefully the talk has no truth to it as my opinion of all of the players selected was certainly a high one.Strangely, the problem St. George's had during the second innings of Cup Match is a problem Bermuda seems to have on the international stage. When a team gets on top of us it is easier to give up than to fight and show character. We tend to buckle under pressure, proven by the history in the record books.Internationally, after losing two or three quick wickets very rarely do we rebound and consolidate a good total. We almost always succumb to the pressure.The one positive note for me coming from Cup Match was the fact that there were several young talented cricketers on show, particularly in the final trials. This bodes well for the future of Bermuda cricket.We as a country must nurture this next group of young cricketers as they are a talented bunch. Kamau Leverock, Tré Manders, Terryn Fray, Alex Dore, Zeko Burgess, Gregory Maybury, Treadwell Gibbons, Onias Bascome, and Delray Rawlins, are a big part of our future. The future promises to raise our standard if we support these youngsters in the next few years in their growth and development.Yes Somerset you have well deserved bragging rights for the next year, and I emphasise the next year because we will take back what is ours next year down at Wellington Oval.