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Need a last-minute gift idea?

Packed with fibre: Permalean bars have great texture and flavour

So you’ve waited till the week before Christmas to even think about buying gifts, and you have no idea where to start.

Don’t panic. Whether the person on your list exercises a lot or not nearly as much as they should, you can help them fit some fitness items into their new year. Most of today’s items are under $100.

Let’s start with the Garmin Forerunner 15 from Sportseller. I use this model on every run as it tracks my distance, pace and time. It has a walk setting and optional heart rate tracker as well.

It also tracks your activity between workouts telling you how many steps that you’ve taken and issues a not-so-subtle reminder telling you to get moving! This is a great basic model, however Sportseller has newer models with many other great features. Prices start at $147.

Let’s get rolling with the Trigger Point Foam Roller also from Sportseller. Foam rolling is basically a wonderful way to give yourself a deep tissue massage. When slowly rolling various areas of your body you’ll help break up adhesions and scar tissue and speed up the healing and recovery process after your workout. Prices start at $58.

PlantFusion protein powder found at People’s Pharmacy is a plant-based protein. It’s non-dairy, soy-free and gluten-free and can be added to your morning shake. It can also help hold you over till your next meal and prevent cravings.

I enjoy it just after my workout, and also add it to my favourite muffin recipe. Prices start at $64.95.

Grip Yoga socks, also found at People’s Pharmacy, are great for keeping your feet warm and from slipping during class. They are also a perfect fit for walking around the house. This is a great stocking stuffer to keep your feet warm and for anyone on your list. Priced at $16.95.

Another great stocking stuffer are Permalean bars from Better Health. These bars have such a great texture and flavour. A lot of protein bars are filled with unrecognisable ingredients. These bars have about ten ingredients that are easily recognised, and also explained on the label. They are packed with fibre, sweetened with Stevia and made with natural ingredients. Stop in and speak to Gerhard or Kathy for more information. Each bar costs $4.

Have a great Christmas and B-Active For Life!

• Betty Doyling is a certified fitness trainer and figure competitor with more than a decade of experience. Check her out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/B.ActiveForLife

Massage at home: with the Trigger Point Foam Roller:
Avoid slips: with Grip Yoga Socks
Prevent cravings: with PlantFusion protein powder