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Watch world’s best squash players

Squash players John White and Jonathon Power in their prime

Seven former World Number One squash players and our own Bermuda National Champion will battle it out over four nights of exhibition play at Bermuda Squash & Fitness Club for Legends of Squash 2017 from Tuesday, April 18th to Friday, April 21st.

The players involved are all former World #1 ranked and World Champions. They include 2 time World Championa David Palmer from Australia, Peter Marshall from England, Jonathon Power from Canada, John White from Scotland and Lee Beachill from England.

This event will run from 6pm until 10pm each night at Bermuda Squash and Fitness Club. For the full schedule of play, visit http://BermudaSquash.com/legends/.

Tickets are $80 per night, $60 for BSRA Members, and can be purchased only from the BSRA on 292-6881 or in person.

For more information, contact 292-6881 or patrickf@bermudasquash.com.

Find out more about the important historical ties binding together the three locations by attending Written in Stone & Bone: Finding Bermuda and Lyme Regis at Jamestown, Virginia on Tuesday, April 18th.

Doors to the World Heritage Centre at Penno’s Wharf open at 6pm and the presentation will start at 6.30 pm. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. William (Bill) Kelso, (Hon.) CBE, FSA, Director of Archaeology, Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation who will present: Written in Stone & Bone: Finding Bermuda and Lyme Regis at Jamestown, Virginia.

Further contributions will be from Dr. George Cook of The St. George’s Foundation and His Worship, the Mayor of Lyme Regis, Owen Lovell with the conclusion by Her Worship, the Mayor of the Town of St. George, Quinell Francis.

The cost is $25 for members, $30 for non-members, and reservations are required.

For more information, or to reserve your spot, contact manager@sgf.bm, 297-5791 or 297-8043.

Those of you who love olde worlde-style pomp and circumstance will be happy to know that the Peppercorn Ceremony will be on Wednesday, April 19th.

A firm fixture on the Bermuda calendar since 1816, this year will mark the the 201st anniversary of this quaint annual tradition.

Starting from 10am in King’s Square in St. George’s, this event surrounds the ceremonial payment of the Annual Rent of one peppercorn for the continued use of the Old State House, Bermuda’s oldest building, in “free and common soccage” by the Master of Lodge St George #200, on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

His Excellency the Governor of Bermuda, in all his ceremonial finery, inspects the band and troops of the Bermuda Regiment whilst the Master, Officers and Brethren of Lodge St George parade onto the square in full Masonic regalia. The ceremony is followed by a garden party hosted by His Worship the Mayor of St. George’s at nearby Somers Gardens.

For more information, visit www.PeppercornBDA.com.

You are invited to come and witness an amazing competition between international criers from all over in a 3 day celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Twinning of St. Georges and Lyme Regis at the return of the Bermuda International Town Crier Competition from Wednesday to Friday, April 19th to 21st.

The first event will be the St. George’s Cry at 1.30pm in King’s Square, St. George’s on Wednesday, April 19th.

This will be followed by the Hamilton Cry at 11am on Thursday, April 20th on the City Hall Steps, Hamilton

The Finals will be on Friday, April 21st at 11am at Bob Burns Park, St. George’s.

These events are free and open to the public.

For more information, visit www.CityofHamilton.bm or www.CorpStGeorge.bm.

The Leopards’ Club International Education Committee present a screening of Dale Butler’s Out Among the Ins on Thursday, April 20th.

This documentary on homelessness in Bermuda is even more relevant today. In 2009, former Minister Dale Butler spent over 80 hours all over Bermuda talking to, and filming Bermuda’s homeless. Initially he was going to just tell one story but as the numbers grew he broadened its scope and gave an insight into the seriousness of the problem.

As the Minister of Social Rehabilitation, he was able to get the PLP Government to purchase additional land and also appropriate $1million towards the development of a better shelter with a transitional plan. A committee was put into place and was ready to work but Mr. Butler was no longer a Minister and the PLP lost the Government just before it was going to commit to the development of the Bishop Spencer School, which the OBA Government has given the Salvation Army for 1 nominal rent a year.

Starting at 6pm at the Leopards’ Club, this event gives Bermudians a golden opportunity to do something to work with the many individuals in the community who attempt in various ways to help them.

The cost of admission is $10.

For more information, contact daledbutler@gmail.com.

The Kiwanis Club of St. George’s will be hosting their Monthly Dinner Meeting on Thursday, April 20th.

The meeting will start at 7pm sharp at Griffin’s Bistro at The St. George’s Club and will include a guest presentation by the charity group S.C.A.R.S. (Saving Children and Revealing Secrets).

The cost of the meal is $40 per person and both members and non-members are welcome.

For more information, or to reserve your spot, contact scarlett.pottinger@gmail.com

For one night only, live from NY and as seen on TV, the NY Kings of Comedy Tour will be in Bermuda on Friday, April 21st.

Happy Hour will be from 5pm until 7pm at the Cedarbridge Academy Cafetorium. The doors open at 8pm for a 9pm showtime featuring Drew Fraser, Capone, Talent and Mark Viera. You can expect the laughs to begin from the moment the first NY King walks on the stage. From the top of the show, through the end, they promise that you will laugh like you’ve never laughed before.

General admission is $60 and VIP tickets are $100. VIP tickets includes include reserved seating, a meet and greet with the comedians, and free sparkling wine and hors d’oeuvres served during Happy Hour. Tickets are available from www.BDAtix.bm and 27th Century Boutique.

For more information, contact yaboybootsie@gmail.com.

Hit the water and pull out some lionfish or swim with the fishes for a chance to win great cash prizes and more in Bermuda’s first Spring Lionfish Tournament hosted by the Lionfish Mafia from Friday to Saturday, April 21st and 22nd.

Grab a buddy or three for this mixed team event as Freedivers and SCUBA divers will unite in teams of 2 to 4 (no solo diving).

The event is one day only with a weigh-in and wrap up party at the end.

The water is open from 4pm on Friday until 4pm on Saturday, giving you time to collect your fish and bring it to the weigh-in site.

The tentative location for the weigh-in and wrap up party is at John Smith’s Bay at 6pm, when you can bring your catch, relax and get to know the other teams. There will be a tent and music, and participants are encouraged to bring their own refreshments.

Prizes will be awarded for the Most Lionfish Caught, Second Most Lionfish Caught, Largest Lionfish, Smallest Lionfish, and more. This event is proudly supported by Rubis, Makin Waves and Conyers Imports.

The entry fee is $20 per person, which can be paid online at www.pTix.bm.

For more information, contact andrew.demelo@hotmail.com or visit their Facebook Event Page.

Show off your skills at the 25th Annual Corporate Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, April 22nd.

Running from 9.30am until around 3pm at the North Village Community Club Field, this is a 6-a-side co-ed tournament. This tournament is open to non-BVA members and is intended to introduce new people to the sport of volleyball as well as provide groups / companies with the opportunity to participate in a community event together.

Sponsors have the option of sponsoring a team for the tournament and/or sponsoring a net. If a net is sponsored, then the company’s logo or sign (as provided by the company) will be displayed on one net (4 times) and included in all tournament information, announcement, etc.

Each team must consist of at least 2 men and 3 women (6 players in total). Each team is restricted to 2 top level competitive players on the court at one time.

The registration fee is $250 per team, net sponsorship is $100 per net and the cost for a team and net sponsor combo is $300. Team registration and net sponsorship for this tournament must be completed online at www.bva.bm between March 15th and April 19th.

Spectators are also welcome and there is no cost.

For more information, contact bdavb@hotmail.com.

Try a music and movement class created for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their caregivers at Zumbini on Saturday, April 22nd.

From 10.30am at 20 Union Street, upstairs Hendy’s Laundromat, this will be full of music, dance and educational tools for 45 mins. Music is fun and when we enjoy ourselves we learn without knowing we are learning. Zumbini is a program that gives children the freedom and confidence to grow as they develop their social, motor and cognitive skills.

This is a free trial class and participants must register in advance.

For more information, or to register, contact Lynette Colvin at 734-5673.

Enjoy some wonderful entertainment while helping provide opportunities for Bermuda’s young people to have music and art in their lives, as Christ Anglican Church Devonshire proudly presents the 4th Annual Joyful Noise Concert on Saturday, April 22nd.

From 6pm,, this promises to be a s a fun night of jazz gospel, steel pan, hip hop, violins, soloists, saxophonists, Liturgical Youth Dancers and more. Although billed as a 2 hour concert, they say that it will be closer to 2.5 hours with all the talented artists they have performing for you. Refreshments will be available after the concert in the T. N. Nisbett Hall.

Tickets are $10 and a donation will be requested during the concert. All proceeds will provide youth scholarships for music and art for a student from Elliott Primary for Violin lessons, Cedarbridge Academy for Violin lessons, Kaleidoscope Art Foundation for Art Lessons and a young person from Christ Church’s congregation for Voice lessons.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, contact Dennis and Jo-Ann Fox at 236-6355 or dejokimi@logic.bm, Ann and Ed Johnson at 236-8341, ajohnson@northrock.bm or joyfulnoise@logic.bm, or Sharon Johnson at 534-4241 or sharonlee@transact.bm. Tickets will also be available at the door or at the Church Office between 10am and 2pm, Monday to Friday.

Fans of fitness and/or martial arts are invited to the Bermuda Karate Institute’s 35th Bermuda Open Karate Championships on Sunday, April 23rd.

Bermuda’s longest running premier martial arts competition will run from 10am at the Hamilton Princess and is open to open to competitors of all styles and ages, featuring forms and weapons forms, point sparring and K-1.

Tickets are available in advance from Bermuda Karate Institute, or at the door, and cost $10 for adults, $5 for under children under 12, and $20 for a family up to four people;

For more information, or to obtain a competitor’s form, visit BKI in person, or online at www.BermudaKarateInstitute.com or www.EventsReg.org.

For full events listings and flyers, please visit?www.BermudaEvents.com. The above is abbreviated content from that site. If you would like your event included on the site, please go to the Submit Your Event section and add all the details and flyer.