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Celebrate Labour Day with Marcus himself

Marcus Samuelsson

Celebrate Labour Day with celebrity Chef Marcus Samuelsson himself as the Princess Beach Club host their BBQ & Fish Fry on Monday, September 4th.

From 7pm until 10pm at their location at Sinky Bay on South Shore, this promises to be a fun, casual and delicious evening you won’t want to miss with a full BBQ buffet, live entertainment, and a live demonstration on how to cook a whole grilled fish by Marcus himself.

The cost is $88 with no added gratuities and tickets are available on pTix.bm.

For more information, contact 298-2028 or ham.diningreservations@fairmont.com.

Relieve pain and restore health as the Yoga Centre are offering a Therapeutic Yoga for Low Back Program starting on Tuesday, September 5th.

Running weekly from 5:30pm until 7:30pm on Tuesdays until October 17th, this is a 7-week course for students of all levels and abilities, with a focus on the relief of low back tension and pain. Students will learn how to build a strong foundation of support in the low back, pelvis, hips, and legs, increase circulation to the low back, change habitual movement patterns, and establish a daily practice beneficial to ongoing low back health.

The course is taught by a senior Yoga Alliance RYT 500, Essential Low Back Program® certified teacher.

The cost of the series is $200.

For more information, or to register, contact francesmarshall@logic.bm or 295-0190.

For first-time beginners, those with limited experience, and those who would like a back-to-basics refresher, the Yoga Centre are offering a Beginner’s Yoga 12-week Course starting on Saturday, September 9th.

From 3:30pm until 5pm on Saturdays, this course provides a well-rounded introduction to level one poses (asanas), functional breathing, deep relaxation and mindful awareness. Students will learn how to practice safe yoga and gain an understanding of the mechanics and essential benefits of each asana and yoga practice to determine how best to incorporate them into their personal practice.

The course is taught by a senior Yoga Alliance RYT 500 teacher, with specialized certification in Adaptive Yoga.

The cost for the series is $260. Make-up vouchers are available for a maximum of two missed classes.

For more information, or to register, contact yogacentrebermuda@gmail.com or 295-0190.

The Berkely Educational Society will celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the opening of the Berkeley Institute with a Cocktail Reception on Wednesday, September 6th.

The school was opened on September 6th, 1897, and this will be the first in a series of events to occur over upcoming months.

The reception is from 6pm until 8pm in the History Room at Berkeley Institute (lower entrance).

Tickets cost $20 or $10 for seniors and can be purchased at the door, or in advance from Shannons, The Berkeley Insititute or by contacting Necheeka Trott.

For more information, contact Neecheeka Trott at 333-9010.

The Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity invites you to join them as they host a Lunchtime Recital Series starting on Thursday, September 7th.

From 12:30pm until 1:30pm at the iconic landmark on church street, the recitals will be held weekly featuring organists; Angela Sainsbury on September 7th, Owen Simons on September 14th, and Jonathan McBeath on September 21st. The final recital on Thursday, September 28th will be held at Wesley Methodist Church, featuring organist Llyod Matthew.

The series of concerts are being held in support of the restoration of the Cathedral organ, a project which has been on-going for a number of years.

Admission is free, however, a donation in support of the organ restoration at the Cathedral will be greatly appreciated.

For more information, contact Reg Rawlins at 292-3320.

The ocean is calling....you to Mermaids at Tobacco Bay on Saturday, September, 16th.

From 2pm until 8pm at the beach in St. George’s, they are celebrating the mermaid spirit, summer and the sea. They want to see the bay, the beach and the deck full of the most mermaidy women in Bermuda! So if you have a swimmable tail, mermaid costume, or even just a mermaid inspired bathing suit/ t-shirt or hairpiece they invite you to dress up and join the party. Bring your sisters, your daughters and your girlfriends for what promises to be a family-friendly day of female fun.

In addition to hosting one of Bermuda’s Hottest female entertainers: DJ PM, the event will also see mermaid braids for the girls, face and body painting, seafood specials and Frose (like rose but better) for the adult mermaids only.

Admission to the beach property is free.

For more information, contact info@tobaccobay.bm or 297-2756.

For full events listings and flyers, please visit www.BermudaEvents.com. The above is abbreviated content from that site. If you would like your event included on the site, please go to the Submit Your Event section and add all the details and flyer.