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Support local author ... try some yoga

The Community Education & Development Programme will be holding Fall Term Registration from Monday, September 11 until Friday, September 22nd.

Classes offered range from college preparatory, island permaculture, vehicle maintenance, to carpentry, tiling, masonry, and more.

Interested persons can obtain the brochure and register at CEPD Offices in Hamilton or Warwick.

For more information, contact 292-7735 or 236-0829, or register online at www.gov.bm.

Show support for a local author at the upcoming Book Signing @ BNL with Rosharonda Trott on Tuesday, September 12th.

From 6pm until 8pm at the Bermuda National Library, the author will be there to sign and sell copies of her latest book ‘Once Upon a Time’.

For more information, contact library@gov.bm or 299-0039.

Inviting all members of the public to a French film with English subtitles, the September edition of the monthly Ciné Club from L’Alliance Française des Bermudes will be showing: Sur le chemin de l’école (On the way to school) on Tuesday, September 12th.

Starting at 8pm in BUEI’s Tradewinds Auditorium, this 2013 French documentary is 1hour and 17min long, directed by Pascal Plisson starring Jackson Saikong, Salome Saikong and Samuel J. Esther.

The film tells the tale of Jackson, the Kenyan; Carlito, the Argentinian; Zahira, the Moroccan; Samuel, the Indian: four children who live light years away from each other and who have never met but who have a common point: they have to cover tremendously long distances to reach their school. On foot, on horseback or in a wheelchair, but all with an extraordinary determination.

Tickets cost $7 for students and BUEI/AF members or $12 for non-members. Tickets can be purchased from BUEI’s Oceans Gift Shop.

For more information, contact 294-0204 or visit www.AllianceFrancaiseBda.org.

The Yoga Centre is offering an 8-week course specifically designed for trouble zones with Yoga Therapy for Hips, Pelvis, Legs & Feet starting on Wednesday, September 13th.

Running weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30pm until 7pm until October 4th, the course involves an individual assessment of each student and 8 weeks of group class work focusing on pain relief, structural realignment, core integration and yoga breathing to help improve the functionality of hips, pelvis, legs, and feet. The course is good for sciatica, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint pain, IT Band issues etc.

This course is taught by a certified Yoga therapist, yoga teacher/trainer (E-RYT 500).

The cost of the series is $250, which includes 8 weeks of class work plus an individual assessment.

For more information, or to register, contact yogaontherock@logic.bm or 295-7525.

Caring for someone experiencing mental health difficulties can be challenging, and so the Bermuda Hospitals Board’s Community Mental Health Services are holding a Family Support Group with a focus on Suicide Awareness on Wednesday, September 13th.

From 6pm until 7:30pm in the KEMH First Floor Conference Room, across from the cafeteria, they will be hosting a discussion featuring Guest Speaker Dr. Cherita Rayner, BHB Clinical Psychologist. The discussion will center around the topic of Suicide Awareness in an aim to bring caregivers and families together for confidential support and understanding of one another.

For more information, contact Winston Rogers on 249-3309.

Geared to those new to yoga and/or those wanting to revive their practice and develop a regular routine, The Yoga Centre is offering a 12-Week Beginner’s Yoga Course starting on Thursday, September 14th.

Held weekly from 5:30pm to 7pm until November 30th, this course provides step-by-step instruction in the practice of yoga where students learn to; do the poses confidently, practice effective breathing techniques, effect deep relaxation skills to relieve stress and foster healthy sleep, practice mindfulness to improve concentration.

The instructor – a YACEP, E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance instructor, yoga teachers trainer and certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) – is equipped to work with all student abilities through adaptations, ensuring individual growth and safety first.

This cost of the series is $260.

For more information, or to register, email yogaontherock@logic.bm or 295-7525.