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Motivation gets you started, dedication keeps you going

Dre Hinds (Photograph supplied)

I’ve been asked multiple times, how do you stay motivated to work out like you do? My answer is always the same: I have goals; I’m dedicated to them.

There will be many times throughout your fitness journey when you will undoubtedly feel unmotivated. This is not a unique feeling at all.

Trust me, motivation is fleeting. It’s a feeling that we cannot solely depend on if we are to remain active and honest with our fitness and wellness efforts.

When you lack motivation, it is not a chance to slack off, become stagnant or use as an excuse to skip your workout or eat food that isn’t healthy. This can begin a downward spiral causing you to feel more unmotivated.

Instead of depending on feeling motivated to exercise, recognise and remember why you started in the first place. Use this to fuel you. Use this to encourage you to remain honest with your efforts and eat according to your goals.

Remember, that feeling unmotivated is not unique to you. Separate yourself from the pack by remaining disciplined.

Imagine what would happen if you did not give in to the lack of motivation.

Imagine what you could accomplish if you committed to your goals.

Imagine how much closer to your goals you could be if you stuck with it, even when you “just don’t feel like it”. Imagine the success. Imagine.

As we begin this new month, having hopefully remained honest with the first two months of 2020, let us remain steadfast and committed to our goals.

I’m excited for all that I can accomplish in March, for the sessions of weightlifting, trying new fitness classes and offering the very best of myself to my clients, helping them achieve their goals and pushing through to make March another successful month.

What do you wish to accomplish this month?

Dre Hinds is a retired track and field athlete who is now a personal trainer, aerobic and yoga instructor and fitness “addict” with more than 20 years’ experience. She specialises in nutrition, weight and sprint training, operating out of HindsSight Fitness & Wellness at the Berkeley Cultural Centre. Contact her on: absbydre@gmail.com, 599-0412 or @Absbydre on Facebook and Instagram