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Some tips to help you steer clear of the fridge

Betty Doyling believes stress eating will be realised as a side effect of having people stuck at home for weeks on end because of Covid-19

We are all stuck in our homes, making it almost impossible to physically distance ourselves from the refrigerator.

“Stress eating” will probably be recognised as one of the side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic; for many of us it is quite tempting to ease our anxiety with our favourite foods.

However, emotional eating can have negative effects both physically and mentally.

Check out these tips to help ward off bad eating habits:

Follow a daily schedule

It will help stop you from going to the kitchen for unnecessary treats. Include chunks of time for work, relaxation/exercise, eating and communication with others. If you have your day planned, you are less likely to feel like the day is full of empty space, which can contribute to overeating.

Eat healthy meals

With the children home, it’s so easy to eat big meals and have a few of their snacks. Try planning meals and snacks at the beginning of the day that work for the entire family. Make sure you don’t wait until you’re hungry to decide what you’re going to eat as this leads to eating more or choosing something higher in calories than if you had planned your meals in advance. Processed foods may be convenient, however, they make overeating easier because you truly can’t get full quickly with a bag of chips. Pick a healthier option instead.

Halt cravings

Try and keep busy. If you feel stuck, bored or frustrated, try to understand the feeling and then decide what you can do about it. That might be finding a smaller task to work on, taking a break, or checking in with a friend.

Keep eating separate

Don’t use your bedroom as a dining room. Pick one place in your home as the place where you will eat and try to keep your work and relaxation spaces separate from where you eat.

Find other ways to manage stress

Try reaching out to a friend or family member, clean out that junk drawer or closet, stream an exercise class, or use any other healthy strategy to help reduce stress.

Stay connected

It’s so easy to isolate yourself and feel a little down about it all. However, technology can help us touch base with loved ones. Host a Netflix watch party, Zoom coffee date or FaceTime with friends and loved ones. Also, don’t be afraid to give them a call!

Stay inside & B-Active for life!

Betty Doyling is a certified fitness trainer and figure competitor with more than a decade of experience. Look for B. ActiveForLife on Facebook