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A little bit of planning goes a long way

Plan ahead: working while homeschooling and preparing meals is tough, especially with young children. Finding time to exercise can be difficult

Many of us are still working from home and cooking three meals a day, some of us also have to help our children with their school work.

Put the three together and it’s likely that finding time to exercise is challenging however with a little planning you can get a little bit of everything in.

Get creative

Decide who is going to be the “parent on duty” — this can be for an hour, or for the entire day. The duty parent handles the kids’ activities, meal preparation etc, while the other parent is given carte blanche to work in a separate room and schedule in uninterrupted exercise.

Stick to a routine

Write out a schedule including the “parent in charge” if you are trading off.

Get the children involved in the planning so they will be more likely to follow it. Pin up the schedule so everyone in the family can see it.

Make sure it includes meal times, snacks, family exercise, chores and homework.

Plan breaks

Make sure every adult in the house has downtime to themselves, especially if you have small children. Parents who work and manage young kids are always turned on, and that can take a toll on everyone’s patience and energy levels. Take the free time to read a book, take a walk, take a yoga class or just unwind.

Give yourself grace

This new way of living can be a challenge. In the beginning it was tough for all of us while we searched for a new rhythm. Hopefully by now it’s easier for you. If not, use all the resources available until you find something that works for your family.

Use social media for good

The kids will be missing their friends. I know mine do. Give them time to connect with boundaries. Take an online fitness class together as a family, schedule a movie with the grandparents or have an online games night. Find ways to enjoy social media together as a family.

Above all, take time and enjoy those that are closest to you; appreciate the friends that stay in contact. Don’t stress about things that are out of your control.

Betty Doyling is a certified fitness trainer and figure competitor with more than a decade of experience. Look for B. ActiveForLife on Facebook