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Take a deep breath and step forward into your new life

Pathway to happiness: Nina London believes that, regardless of the circumstances, we ourselves choose the roads we follow (Photograph by Bill Rosser)

I believe that, regardless of the circumstances, we ourselves choose the roads we follow. We do it every day with our thoughts, desires and actions.

Exactly three years ago I did my first “live” broadcast on Facebook. I was finishing radiation treatment in Miami and was pale, weak, gaunt and thin.

I felt like a fighter who had just pulled themselves up on the ropes after a knock-down punch.

I do not know why this powerful desire to talk on the air came to me then; it certainly was not my most photogenic moment. Yet it was as if I received a strict order from high above, which I could not ignore.

At that time, I did not have a presence on social media, only occasional photos on my personal homepage.

“What will I say? To whom? How to do it technically?” I was nervous and uncertain.

For some reason, it was very important that I speak “live” rather than post a pre-recorded video. Why? I could not explain it even to myself.

I began to study how to conduct live broadcasts. I finished an intense one-month course and yet, I still could not overcome my insecurity and apprehension and go on the air.

I remember the day I did it very clearly. I bought a bouquet of pink lilies, put on a matching coloured blouse and sat down in front of my computer screen. I had prepared my speech for a long time, endlessly rehearsing, yet still terribly worried and nervous.

I held my hand over the “live” button, but could not press it. I was eager to help others, but could not manage my own fear!

I still remember my thoughts at that moment: “Nina, you have to overcome this! If you do, a new life will open before you! Countless women who need help and advice are waiting!”

I did not understand why it was important for me to be heard, but something stronger than myself did not allow me to sit helplessly. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and pressed the button. I looked up and into the camera.

“My name is Nina London. Smile and the world will smile back at you.”

I began speaking spontaneously. I forgot all about my prepared script.

I talked from my heart about my beliefs and hopes. I compared my desire for change to a bright star that shows me the right path to take. Suddenly, comments from women began to appear on my screen. I couldn’t believe it! I was so happy.

What a fulfilling road I have travelled in these past three years! I have delivered more than 100 broadcasts and my audience has grown to several thousand women who send me their love, support and affection.

Many have told me that these broadcasts have changed their lives in profound and enduring ways.

I have received so many heartfelt messages for help from women who are in critical life situations and believe they are at a dead end.

In response, I have comforted terrified and exhausted cancer patients, and women suffering from unspeakable abuse, most often at the hands of those they thought they loved the most.

Women so devoid of options that they longed desperately to leave their own countries, unaware of the often brutal hardships of emigration.

Women who could not find themselves even in old age, and those who could not forgive others because their hurt from betrayal overwhelmed everything; women who have lost faith in love, who feel forgotten and without a future.

They needed my strength and support, and to share my faith that you yourself can achieve happiness. I convinced them there is strength inside they did not even know they had.

I showed them how to begin to love life again. I convinced them there is always one more chance to succeed. Sometimes, what they needed most was to know they are not alone.

The longest road always begins with the first step. The main thing is to take it.

I am here to tell you that I took that step and if I could do it, then you can do it, too.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and step forward into your new life!

Nina London is a certified wellness and weight-management coach. Her mission is to support and inspire mature women to make positive changes in their body and mind. Share your inspirational stories with her at ninalondon.com