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Don’t worry, slow progress is still progress

No sweat: slow progress is still progress, says Dre Hinds

I know, I know, another article about progression, respecting the process, being patient and understanding your body.

It’s not like you haven’t read many articles about the topic, right? But here’s the thing. We’re all human. We’re all on this fitness and wellness journey. We all need the reminder.

I write these articles sometimes with a similar topic but written differently because we all receive words differently. You have to say things differently even if repeated, to reach your audience.

So listen! Progress! Fitness and wellness is not linear and I need to remind you of this.

On many occasions I’ve had clients stress about their journey, having gained a few inches and feeling more sluggish than normal. As usual, I’ve had to remind them of being:

1, Human

2, On a non-linear journey

If you are willing to accept that this journey has ups and downs, plateaus, moments of weakness (lost strength in the weight room) or moments when eating the pizza is not a sinful act, then you can become more successful. Once you free your mind of the misconception that fitness and wellness is 100 per cent perfection and allow yourself to just live, the lack of stress alone will propel you forward.

Gaining weight, losing unwanted inches (gains), eating ice cream with your child and other acts that many like to call setbacks are actually not. We are human after all. If we simply accept this fact, enjoy the journey, we’ll come to realise that this fitness and wellness journey is amazing!

Respect everything about it. Acknowledge the progress that you have made and enjoy the transformation that your mind and body is going through.

Remember that every bit of progress you make towards reaching your goal is just that — progress.

Whether you are one inch closer to your goals or 10lbs, the point is that you are closer. Marvel in that. Furthermore, always take a look back, not to discourage or compare (negatively) but rather encourage you, knowing how far you’ve come. Use that same energy to push you forward.

I can not say it enough — slow progress, is still progress.

Progress! Be honest with your efforts, continue to be unapologetic about your journey and enjoy every aspect of it! Have a great week fitfam!

Dre Hinds is a retired track and field athlete who is now a personal trainer, aerobic and yoga instructor and fitness “addict”. Contact her on: absbydre@gmail.com, 599-0412 or @Absbydre on Facebook and Instagram