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Cool off with an iced golden latte

Iced golden latte (Photograph supplied)

I always forget just how hot it gets in August. That is, until I start burning my thighs on the car seat.

I both sat down and leapt up within a nanosecond yesterday, throwing my belongings everywhere.

One of my belongings was a freshly made, iced turmeric latte. It went all over the dashboard, my dress and over the hedge into the neighbours driveway. It is amazing how far a superfood can travel.

First World problems I know. I cannot feel sorry for myself in my car, on a subtropical island, drinking something fancy!

I’m not complaining — OK, maybe just a little bit.

It was a sad end to a lovely latte I have to say. I absolutely love turmeric for it’s therapeutic benefits, especially as research keeps endorsing it as a natural anti-inflammatory and liver lover.

Tumerica is showing a lot of promise when it comes to cancer prevention too.

It would only ever be one part of a much wider protocol, though — so do not wash your supplements down with a Diet Coke and a bag of Doritos!

If you are interested in turmeric as a supplement, though, you do need to be careful.

It is fine to include it in occasional foods, but whenever you have it as a supplement or a regular addition to a smoothie/latte, you need to bear in mind that it can interact with certain medications — eg, high blood pressure meds.

So, as always, before getting heavy-handed, check with your doctor!

It is also worth noting that you can eat it or take supplements, but it is actually very hard to absorb the active ingredient (curcumin) in its raw form.

Curcumin is best assimilated when it is paired with black pepper, when it is in an oil base and when it’s heated.

This is where the latte comes in! I’ve put my favourite recipe below.

If that is too much work, we do have a Golden Milk powder in the Nutrifit section at Miles. This one is so easy though, I promise, so give it a try!

Note: Even if you have this latte iced, I suggest you start by making a warm version.

Then just cool it and serve over ice later. This maximised the activation of the curcumin. Enjoy!

Iced Golden Latte (caffeine-free, dairy-free)

Ingredients (per person)

12 fl oz [approximately] almond or cashew milk [unsweetened]

½ tsp coconut oil

¼ tsp ground turmeric

Pinch ginger

Crack of black pepper (trust me)

Pinch cardamom

1 tsp honey (optional)


You can either whisk this in a pan over the stove, or whiz it in a blender. Either way, I suggest you heat and then allow it to cool!

Skip the plastic straw or use a paper, glass or stainless steel one (lots of options at the chef shop).

A straw is good, as it prevents you getting a yellow moustache!

The advice given in this article is not intended to replace medical advice, but to complement it. Always consult your GP if you have any health concerns. Catherine Burns BA Hons, Dip ION is a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist trained by the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in the UK For details, please go to www.natural.bm or call 5054725. Join Catherine on Facebook at www.facebook.com/nutrifitandnaturalnutritionbermuda or instagram at @naturalbda