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It’s never too late to focus on your goals

Don’t give up: there is still time to achieve your fitness goals

Wow! September already, huh? OK, so there’s still a little bit of August left but you get my point.

Remember sitting on your couch in December of 2019 saying how 2020 was going to be your year? Remember writing down your fitness goals? Remember how empowered you felt?

So here we are, with a little more than four months remaining in the year. Looking back it hasn’t been the year that anyone could have prepared for.

Not. At. All.

How do you feel about your fitness goals set out in January? Do you still feel empowered? Have you achieved a fraction of what you set out to do?

There is no shame in re-evaluating your fitness goals based on the crazy year we’ve had so far. There is no shame in rewriting your goals, adjusting them where needed so that you can indeed achieve them.

I know for myself I wanted to enter July more athletic, agile, pretty much pre-twin fit. Did it happen? Not quite how I envisioned it but most definitely close. In all fairness, I sat down and adjusted my goals to fit my current life and I’m very pleased with the effort I put in.

Now, approaching September I’ll adjust them again, with no shame at all — because life happens. Goals can be met once you are honest and realistic.

So back to you, have you taken an honest look at your 2020 goals and made the necessary adjustments? Or have you kept them the same regardless of the stress, lockdown, pandemic year we’ve had?

Is 2020 still your year? Will this be the year that you accomplish your goals, not having to enter 2021 with the same goals? Will you make the best of the rest of the year or will you continue to make excuses? These are questions you should ask yourself and hold yourself accountable to the answers. So, I ask again? Is 2020 still your year?

I know it’s still mine and I’m not giving up! I will look back on this year and all its ups and downs and smile knowing that I put in great effort. I will look in the mirror and be proud of the face, body that is reflected.

This year has four months left and if you haven’t already checked those goals out, adjust and end this 2020 with a bang!

2020, the year the world stopped — but goals were accomplished.