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Don’t let hurricanes blow you off your fitness course

Storms are yet another reason why many exercise plans have been thwarted this year (File photograph)

Between Covid-19 and the hurricanes of the past week, many exercise plans have been thwarted.

It’s often the case that unexpected disruptions cause havoc to those of us who are creatures of routine. The ability to achieve your goals can depend on how well you manage interruption:

• Plan for change

Schedule known and potential interruptions in your calendar that could happen throughout the year. This will help identify when you may need to modify different things leading into a busier period.

When setting out goals for the next week, month or year give them a time frame that can account for something going wrong.

You likely know of upcoming birthdays or family events. Make sure to schedule them in. And if you are going to truly struggle with working out on any given day, plan to do it first.

• Go with the flow

Sometimes, even after all of the planning, unexpected events arise. But don’t let them stress you out, pick out the next available exercise class or training session and put it in your diary.

Worrying will only cause you stress and hinder your fitness goals by giving you a negative outlook for the day. Accept what happened and try and prevent it from happening in the future.

• Exercise can happen anywhere

If you can’t get to the gym, invest in some basic workout equipment: free weights, a jumping rope, medicine ball and a mat.

There are so many YouTube resources that can help when you can’t get to your trainer or class. Apart from that, try and insert exercise when and where you can. Go for a 15-minute walk around the block before lunch; take the stairs a few times in your home or office.

• Appreciate the break

We get into such a habit of being on the go, that we forget that it’s OK to take a break.

Even professional athletes schedule regular periods of downtime. This is so important, especially if you weight train on a regular basis.

Enjoy the time off from working out, but remember to get back on track so you don’t disrupt your fitness plan.

• Take advantage of the amenities while on holiday

While most of us are not travelling, some of us are staying at local hotels with swimming pools, tennis courts and gyms.

There’s no reason to skip working out. Try to utilise all that the hotel has to offer. Don’t create excuses. You can always find ways to exercise.

There will always be something that interrupts exercise routines. What’s important is that you clearly outline your goals to ensure you know what you want to achieve and how to accomplish it. Learning to adapt and change plans when things come up will help you to master your fitness goals.

Don’t let the hurricane stop your workout goals; B-Active For Life!

Betty Doyling is a certified fitness trainer and figure competitor with more than a decade of experience. Look for B. ActiveForLife on Facebook