Putting you first
How are you doing right now? Have you asked yourself that question today? How do you feel? Have you checked in with loved ones around you to make sure they are OK?
The ability to check in with ourselves is vitally important because if we do not take the time to make sure we are OK, we will be unable to help the ones we love around us.
Fighting the Covid-19 pandemic is like running a marathon, and I am about 95 per cent
sure that we’re all tired and reduced to walking the route at this point. Some may be performing better than others, but many are exhausted, to say the least. The same information is being fed to us repeatedly.
There are rules and regulations that we must follow but are starving for the moment when this pandemic will be over. But we’re not at the finish line yet and we must continue to stay focused and follow the rules.
Many will agree we want to read something that makes us feel good. We want to escape and feel a sense of normality that we haven’t felt in what feels like a lifetime.
I want to give my community a water break, I want to give you a granola bar or an orange slice on the side of the road and cheer you on because I support you and want us all to feel good on the other end of this!
So here it goes, the cheer to stay in the race and follow the Covid-19 regulations in our community.
Have you stepped outside today? No phone in your hand or laptop in your lap? Just walked outside felt the cool breeze brush your face as you breathe in the fresh air?
If not, I highly suggest you do that right now; it’s OK, you can read the rest of this article later. It’s more important that you take care of yourself, both mind and body, right now!
So get up from your laptop, put some shoes on and go for a walk or run — whichever makes you feel really good! Step outside and return inside feeling the “Wow” factor.
You know what I’m talking about. Go right now and experience it. Just go for a fast-paced walk to the end of your road and back, and you’ll get a taste of what I am talking about.
This is it! When we are dealt with a bad situation that we are not comfortable with, it’s very important that we keep our minds clear; it’s our mindset that drives the entire experience, the way in which we take each step of the day.
You choose how to see each day. Are you tired of being tired, or are you going to
put your shoes on and change your direction and point of view?
It’s up to you!But I’d suggest we put on those shoes, because today’s a great day!
Choose to be great, everyday! Remember to smile.
• Samantha Nearon is a young, educated Bermudian who longs for her countrymen and women of all races to learn to live together in harmony and shared prosperity