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Government has to do more than spin its wheels over ‛Revolve’ event

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The most iconic image from “Revolve around the World”, featuring international reggae superstar Shaggy working up the audience

Time and time again this government has been called out for selective enforcement of Covid regulations, and selective event exemptions. The Premier and his government have had a slew of public relations missteps, including last year’s restaurant debacle, the controversial construction exemption and the subsequent opening celebration. They may have been feebly explained by the Government, but the perception of a double standard remains.

Dwayne Robinson is a former opposition senator and was a candidate for the One Bermuda Alliance in the October 1 General Election

After all these incidents, one would think the Premier and his Cabinet would be wise to these sorts of blunders; that they would ensure that Bermudians have no reason to question that these regulations of physical distance, mask wearing and limited gatherings apply to all.

Sadly, this doesn’t appear to be the case.

Recently there was an event in Bermuda called “Revolve around the World” where social-media influencers and celebrities gathered to showcase a certain location. Footage and pictures have been posted of the attendees of this event blatantly breaching the physical-distancing and mask-wearing regulations that are mandatory in our island and stipulated in their government-granted exemption posting.

What message does this send to Bermudian event co-ordinators who have been unable to host renowned local events, and the Bermudians who were unable to attend them? How many birthdays have been postponed and family gatherings cancelled to comply with regulations to keep Bermuda safe?

While the Premier has said that the incident will be investigated, what will really be the outcome? Will there be real consequences for a group who are probably on their way to their next destination without a second thought any day now?

Bermudians are experiencing Covid fatigue: they are stressed and frustrated. Many have fallen on economic hardship and are struggling to feed their families. Yet Bermudians have been mostly compliant, as shown by our recent Covid numbers. It is incumbent on this government to give the people of Bermuda solid responses and not hide behind the veil of being “unaware”.

Each one of these blunders erodes public confidence in the Government, which jeopardises the degrees of compliance in future.

I hope for a thorough and transparent response on this matter from the Premier or Minister of National Security, and am optimistic that David Burt and the Bermuda Police Service will liaise in co-ordinated efforts to prevent Covid breaches such as what has occurred at “Revolve around the World” from happening again.

Dwayne Robinson is a former opposition senator and was a candidate for the One Bermuda Alliance in the October 1 General Election

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Published June 11, 2021 at 8:01 am (Updated June 10, 2021 at 3:40 pm)

Government has to do more than spin its wheels over ‛Revolve’ event

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