The global struggle continues for justice and peace
No country, not even our lovely homeland Bermuda, can bury its head in the sand and pretend all is well as long as we close our eyes to critical problems that we would rather not have to face.
In most countries large and small, people yearn for an atmosphere of peace under a system of justice with leaders committed to truth, decency and respect. Even in some of the most powerful nations, there are questions over whether some leaders are more committed to staying in power than solving problems that deeply affect the daily lives of so many.
The pandemic, which humbled just about every country, is not yet a thing of the past, but this deadly virus brought the powerful to their knees because the disease took a heavy toll without favour of political or economic status.
The health crisis placed a heavy burden on hospitals around the world, and even here in Bermuda, there was grave concern that our facility would be overwhelmed in trying to meet the challenge.
In many countries with large populations there were scenes of people being treated in corridors because there were no beds left. Many heartbreaking stories of people unable to get medical treatment will probably never be told.
World news services were overflowing with detail about the global effort to get as many people vaccinated as possible, as health experts were united that until it happened, the virus would move like a wild forest fire in a windstorm.
Too often In many countries, even with people dying daily, vaccination became an issue with those who felt mandated vaccination was an intrusion on their privacy. There were countless reports of people regretting that decision as they ended up in a situation where it was too late to change.
As the struggle continues to eradicate this invisible enemy, the toll on family life is yet be fully assessed. When the family is lost anywhere, the core values for living a positive and constructive life fade. That is never a good thing, no matter where we live on this planet.
Modern communication allows us to stay in touch daily with the plight of people in parts of the world where countless are without food or proper living conditions, while under dictatorial rule. They are unable to complain without fear of deadly repercussions. Under those conditions, trying to keep family values alive is a monumental challenge.
Things do not get any better when some world leaders come under verbal attack for falling short of what is expected of them. The world today has many challenges apart from the global battle to gain the upper hand on a pandemic that insists on sticking around, no matter what. Although there are signs of progress with increased numbers willing to get the jab, knowing it lowers the risk of serious illness or worse, the real fight for justice and freedom remains a distant dream.
The American president, Joe Biden, knows that the nation is not out of the woods from the attempt by extremist groups who are open supporters of former president Donald Trump, and who have not abandoned their failed violent attempt to destroy democracy in that country. Should efforts by the Republican Party succeed in changing the voting system, which would make it difficult for certain people to vote, in addition to having their people in charge of election results, it could spell the demise of democracy as it is known in that country today.
There may be important international matters that Biden is facing, with undertones of potential military conflict as Russia appears ready to invade Ukraine. As critical as this crisis may be, most Americans are probably more concerned about a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Leaders cannot solve all problems, but they must never be seen as not focusing on those bread-and-butter issues. They should always remember they operate in the spotlight, which is never turned off, and any misstep can often result in a very unpleasant response from opponents and from the public.
The British prime minister Boris Johnson ran into a brutal reaction from the British Parliament over his alleged participation in parties during a period the nation was on lockdown over Covid 19. The bottom line here is that leaders must go the extra mile in upholding rules that promote justice for all. There have been numerous calls for his resignation, but at this writing he remains in office.
People in most democratic countries do not expect their leaders to be perfect, but they do expect commitment to values such as being truthful and honest while performing their duties. The same is expected here in Bermuda, regardless of which political group is at the helm. Just as families have differences of opinion that often can be heated, they know family unity should always be bigger than disagreements.
We know the world will never be perfect, but with truth, justice and respect for freedom, there would be less need for nations to flex their nuclear muscles over who knows best in solving problems. Most people on this planet want to smell the roses and enjoy life in a peaceful world.