Sir John, a quintessential giant
The following poem was written in honour of Sir John Swan, the former Premier of Bermuda, receiving the Legacy Insight Award at Leopards Club on Friday:
As we preserve our history for posterity
The name Sir John will reverberate through the ages
For this man, this giant among many
Created a legacy that should stand the test of time
Years ago, Sir John impacted me
And consequently, I hypothesise that
This icon must never be forgotten.
Chimamanda Adichie once said
That to present one side of history is to lie
Dr Eva Hodgson and Mrs Florenz Maxwell agreed
That unless we write our story
“We must prepare to accept a biased account of the past”
Thus, those who delve into the intricacies of his story
Who analyse the time when Sir John lived
Will unearth more than I have time to tell
But I am persuaded, that he, like Sir Winston Churchill
Will remain “splendidly unreduced”
Because you, Sir, are a giant of a man.
I hope that when students study Sir John
They will understand that through using brick and mortar
He demonstrated that hard work and determination are worthy attributes
Thus, in the deepest recesses of the Bermudian psychic
Will be branded his blueprint for success
Perhaps the study of his life will advance a higher consciousness
And teach us to value people
To meet them where they are
Because he truly connected with those he served
He acted on what he believed
And spoke his truth with strong resolve
And we learnt that simply smiling
Can change the world.
Those who study Sir John’s story
Will undoubtedly uncover layers of complexity
Solidifying that nothing is simply black or white
I hope that the illumination of his past
Will enlighten our future
We applaud his tenacity which produced more than an ideology
But concrete, viable options
That propelled Bermuda into the spotlight of the world.
Students may highlight on their pages that he served
Without reservation
With deliberate dedication
And seeking a higher aspiration, catapulted to a meteoric rise
Elected to parliament in 1972
Premier from 1982 to 1995
His service in ministerial capacities, his business acumen
His service and giving on so many levels
Resulted in his appointment in 1990
As a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
But, in spite of his fame and fortune
This giant, lacking pomposity
Remains my mother’s lifelong, kind and trusted friend
He wrote my sister’s college recommendation
Purchased my juvenile paintings
Employed my uncle Mac
And helped Stan and I purchase our first home
He enthusiastically, without hesitation or reservation
Spoke to my students at the Berkeley Institute upon my request
And spent hours answering their questions
Unapologetically sharing his challenges
Acknowledging his imperfections
As he inspired them to reach out and grasp their dreams.
My hope is that when people read his story
They will appreciate his vision
And resolve to do what they can to improve our world
Perhaps those who read his story
Will be more comfortable with difference
Realising that everyone has the capacity to serve
Yes, this poetic rendering, I offer as my perspective
Requested by Dale Butler
To celebrate a man who did so much and for so long
It is with great satisfaction that I submit these words with love
To a quintessential giant, a national hero
To Sir John, I simply say
Well done!
Shangri-La Durham-Thompson